Batfam x Reader-[Um...Hi?]

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"Y/N? We're going out! Don't leave the house!" My mum yelled up the stairs.

"Were would I go? I have no life, all I do with it is eat, sleep, read fanfiction and occasionally poop." I shouted back. 

I hear my mum laugh at the bottom of the stairs before the door closes. When she's gone I quickly reach under my bed and pull out my diary. 

Date: 16/08/18
I have yet to travel into the Batfamily universe but when I do I'll be sure to tell you, that's if I don't die. Or get killed by Damian...or Jason. 


I put back my diary and lie down in bed. As I go to roll over, I feel like I'm falling. 

I open my eyes and see that I am falling, well shit. I guess I am going to die before I travel dimension. I fall face first onto a concrete roof, but it doesn't hurt, I stand up and look at my clothes. I am wearing something different, not my normal Batman pyjamas. I am wearing my black Harry Potter tank top with 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good' written on it, my black jeans, and converse. 

"Hey, kid did you see something fall over here?" A voice asked.

I turn around and see the Red Hood stood behind me, "If you're on about from the sky it was probably me."

"What?" He asks.

"You fell from the sky?" Nightwing asks jumping up behind Red Hood. 

"Yeah," I say awkwardly.

"So are you an angel?" He asks in a really bad flirty voice.

"You have about as much charm as a slug," I pause debating whether or not to tell them I'm from another dimension or not, "Fuck it, I know who both of you are without the mask, that is only because I am from another dimension were all of this is made up and I may or may not be completely and utterly obsessed with it." I very quickly blurt out. 

"Come again?" Nightwing asks.

"She said she's from another dimension," Robin says appearing out of the shadows. 

"How did you understand that?" Red Hood asks.

"Yeah, how? I spoke pretty quickly." I confusedly say.

"I'm good at listening, and if you really are from another dimension, who are these to imbeciles," Robin said pointing his thumb at Red Hood and Nightwing.

"Richard John Grayson," I say pointing at Nightwing, "And Jason Peter Todd," I say pointing at Red Hood.

They both stand there shocked, "Who's he?" Jason asks pointing at Robin.

"Damian al Ghul Wayne," I say in a flat tone.

"How do you know all this?" Dick asks shocked.

"Like I said I'm from a different, did you not hear me?" I ask.

"Who's Red Robin?" Jason asks.

"Timothy Jackson Drake," I tell them.

"Who said my name?" He says jumping up onto the rooftop.

"Me, where have you been?" I ask.

"Coffee called my name and I answered." He states.

"Blah, coffee," I say.

"Jason hold my to-go cup." He says handing him the cup.

"What are you going to do Tim." Asks Dick.

"Teach her to love coffee." He pretends to roll up his sleeves and runs at me. 

I let out a yelp and just before he reaches me I am on the floor of my bedroom. 

I quickly pull out my diary and write:

Date: 16/08/18
Dear Diary, I successfully travelled into the Batfam universe and was almost beaten by Tim because I don't like coffee.


Batfamily x Reader {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now