Dick x Reader, Urban Forest

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Inspiration: I hit shuffle on my playlist.
⚠️ Written in my phone ⚠️

The full moon shone bright and high in the sky as I ran through the streets of Gotham with my pack following close behind me.

You see, normally werewolves live near a woodland or a forest but our small pack lives in a rough area of Gotham. After our old Alpha killed his Luna in an angered rampage a few of us left, me included.

My family never left, they thought the Luna deserved it for standing up for self.

But enough of my rambling about my shitty family, I have a new one now, a new pack and a new Alpha. Daniel didn't want to be Alpha but he kind of just took charge. There's only about ten of us in total but we don't care. Were a own special family.

The wind whistled as it blew past my ears, the sounds of cop cars and gun shots rung through my could be heard from every direction.

Suddenly the smell of fresh mint and chocolate overwhelmed my other senses. Stopping in my tracks I look around sniffing the air.

"Y/N what are you doing?" Daniel questioned.

"Just go on without me I'll catch up later or meet you at home." I told him before walking over to an alley way.

Climbing onto one of the large bins I reached up and pulled down the fire escape ladders. Quickly climbing up the stairs and another ladder I was on top of the roof.

The long piece of fabric that was attached to the waist of my romper blew with the subtle breeze. I walked around the roof sniffing the air.

The smell was strong but I couldn't track it, so after a few minutes I decided to take a break from looking and just enjoy the view this roof had to offer.

Sitting on the edge of the building I looked over the illuminated city. All the high rise buildings and apartment blocks made this place look like an urban forest of some kind.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I heard a steady heartbeat behind me, turning around I was met by a masked face.

"Care to tell why such a beautiful girl like you is sat on the edge of a building. You're not going to jump off are you?" The masked vigilante asked me.

"I mean I could jump of, would be quite fun. But then that means moving and ruining the view." I say sniffing the air.

Mint and chocolate.

I felt my cheeks heat up and my heartbeat rise.

"You." I said quietly, so quietly it drifted with the breeze, not even Nightwing heard what I had said.

"Excuse me?"

"You. It's you." I said again, looking into his covered eyes.

"Me? What about me?" He skeptically asked me.

"You're my mate. It's a werewolf thing. You smell like mint and chocolate." I said quickly.


"Um yeah, they exist, normally they don't live in such an urban area but my pack does." I said.

"You're strange." He said.

"Thanks, I get that a lot."

And they lived happily ever after! The end.

Don't get your hopes up this story is still on hold however there will be updates every now and again. I do hope you enjoyed this chapter though, I will probably write a werewolf based story about all the boys.

I also really like the title I came up with for this, quite proud of myself.


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