Dick x Reader-[Autism]

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⚠️Written on my phone⚠️
Disclaimer: I am autistic in real life, I've been diagnosed with autism by a professional and this chapter is inspired by personal experiences. (Young Justice universe, season 1)
Y/N stared blankly at Batman as he explained the mission, he kept looking towards the H/C haired girl making sure she was paying attention to the briefing.

You see Y/N is autistic, buts she's one of the smartest people on the team, she's quick witted, quick to solve problems, quick to improvise if she gets caught or a mission back fires. Granted she isn't the strongest or the most talented fighter but she makes up for this in her knowledge and understanding.

As the team walked of towards the Bio Ship Y/N asked in a quiet voice, "What's the mission? And am I staying on the Bio Ship again for support?"

Robin turned around to face her as he nodded to the others as if to say, 'I'll explain'.

"Covert mission, you're staying on the ship because you're the clumsiest, most accident prone out of all of us and we don't want you wandering of if you get distracted." Robin calmly said.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." Y/N said as she took her seat and was strapped in, her seat was right next to the main controls as she would eventually have to take them over.

She stayed silent for the whole flight, staring out the window in her own head, not knowing what to do or say. Everyone looked at her sympathetically, they were all talking through a mind link M'gann had set up. Y/N knew this but didn't know how to address the situation so she remained quiet, in her thoughts as she fiddled with strap on her black suit (like Tracy's in season 3).

"Thirty seconds from drop zone A." Miss Martian spoke, clearing the air.

As Y/N stood up to take control of the ship M'gann shot a sympathetic look her way. Y/N didn't like the sympathetic looks, she didn't like her mistreatment, she didn't like to spoken to like kid, like a toddler who couldn't do anything for themselves. She was treated like a child.

A look of anger arose onto her face as she turned red, her head spun but she ignored it and took her seat, taking over the ship.

As Aqualad, Kidflash, Superboy and Miss Martian all deployed onto Drop Zone A Y/N was left with, Robin, Artemis, Rocket and Zatanna.

"Sixty seconds until Drop Zone B." She said with anger clear in her voice.

"You okay?" Artemis asked her.

"I'm fine, thirty seconds." She answered.

Covert, not openly acknowledged or displayed. A covert mission is not supposed to be compromised at risk of international disputes.

But what does Wally do, trips on a stone and lets the whole island know that Team are there putting every guard on high alert until further notice.

This meant that Y/N was diploid in order to help the team make it back to the Bio Ship, as she couldn't fly over the main factory even if the Ship was invisible because Sports Master is able see cloaked Martian technology.

Y/N wears her black ear defenders as she fights King Cobra with Robin, Robin obviously getting in more hits than her.

As Y/N jumped in order to get a kick in Cobra's face he grabbed her leg and spun her to the ground causing a thud.

"S/N (Superhero Name)!" Robin growled as he carried on striking Cobra over and over again, all the while he dodged ever attack.

Y/N picked herself up of the ground as she ran at Cobra kicking his back which sent him forwards into Robins leg which was in front of his face. As S/N jumped back and landed on the floor again with a thud her ear defenders fell off and rolled across the floor.

"Until we meet again, Boy Wonder." Cobra says as he disappears into trees.

"You okay S/N?" Robin asks rushing over to her as she sat on the floor looking down towards the dirt, tears were falling uncontrollably from her eyes as she felt like she was drowning in noises.

"Just a headache." She told him as she fiddled with thumbs.

As the team landed back into the docking bay, Y/N walked off and straight to the Zeta Tube in order to go home, she didn't want to deal with one of Batman's lectures, he'd probably tell her to make sure her defenders are secure before she decides to fight.

"Hey, Y/N wait up!" Robin called out.

"What?" She asked sounding rude, but she didn't mean it in a rude way.

"I-I, you see," Robin stutters as he try's to speak, "I was wondering if you'd like to go see a movie sometime and I know you're not in the mood to probably answer but I was jus-"

"What movie?" Y/N bluntly asks interrupting his ramble of words.

Robin looks taken aback by her response before reply, "Whatever movie you'd like to watch."

A small, genuine smile makes an appearance on her face as she responds with, "Sure."

I actually like this chapter a lot and I've just realised I might need to invest in some ear defenders. I've never actually had a pair I normally just stick in my big bulky blue tooth headphones and play white noise or music or I fiddle with one of my many fidget toys.

-Millie 💜
P.S: if you're wondering how this relates to a real life experience of mine, I was in Geography (Year 10) once sat in the back of the classroom and I could see everybody moving and yelling at each other, it felt like everything was moving in slow motion and it felt like I was drowning because I couldn't breath. I had uncontrollable tears falling down my face, I was having what I call now because I had never experienced it before a sensory overload. It has happened a couple of times after that but that was the worst one to ever happen. I wasn't very welmed.

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