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What a leap indeed.


"I really hope to see you soon." Isabella bade farewell to the elderly lady and turned to James and hugged him tightly.

He whispered into her ear, "If we get to visit that castle of yours I expect to get your room and be pampered young lady."

She grinned. "Of course oh wonderful, life saving, pamper deserving, James." She hugged him again and they laughed.

Aiden walked over and cleared his throat, "'Tis time that we've taken our leave. Huey and his guards are looking a tad bit impatient." She looked over and saw an irate Huey flanked by fifteen guards and waved goodbye once more before mounting Storm.

Isabella hid a smile when the bickering Kings' voices rung into the air. She turned and asked Aiden, "If 'tis so much of a hassle for them to ride in the same carriage why don't we just use our own carriage?"

Aiden looked over at the bickering Kings thoughtfully. "Though things may not be as severe in Jaria as they seem to be in Gardia, 'twould not be wise to have your royal carriage arrive at the castle and to have you all be seen stepping out of it. The refugees would probably be notified and your lives would be at stake. 'Tis a matter of safety. We will send your carriage back to your castle though." He looked at her horse curiously, "'Tis remarkable that you do not wish to ride in a carriage with Myra; there is room because Prince Eric chose to ride horseback this time. We would not want you to get hurt again." He grinned up at her sarcastically.

Isabella huffed, "I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you very much." She patted Storm. "I love horseback riding anyway, 'tis liberating." She spurred her horse and rode over to her men. Aiden shook his head and jogged to his own horse.

They set off, leaving the cries of angry citizens behind them. The Kings rode in the carriage and Aiden lead the way. Myra, still unaware of the cause of their sudden departure, rode in her separate carriage; for she refused to give it up to the Gardians.

Isabella sighed as she road, stuck in her thoughts. This has been nothing like I've expected. Treading into enemy territory. I will have to be extra alert. The sound of an approaching horse startled her out of her thoughts.

"Princess on a horse? I have to say this is a first for me." She turned and saw a man riding at her side. His boyish features and long dirty blonde hair looked familiar. At her confused glance Eric spoke, "Come on Bella you do not remember me? I am hurt." He placed his hand over his heart. Isabella shook her head at his dramatics.

"Who are you?" She asked and then suddenly laughed. "Eric. Just as dramatic as ever I see. You'd think after six and ten years you would grow up no?"

Eric grinned, "Fair Maiden, you wound me. I am a mature, stone faced man who focuses solely on duty. I am rarely distracted you know. Oooo a butterfly..." He trailed off. Isabella laughed, and they began to catch up.

Aiden not very far away heard the sound of Eric's and Isabella's laughter and he wondered what they were talking about. He glanced back suspiciously, how are they getting along so well? He mentioned knowing her prior to this damned Official Meeting as well. Secret lovers maybe? Is that why she agreed to this so quickly? He speculated.

Her laugh rang into the open air again. He noticed her laugh was different. It was a light, kind of husky sound, and he realized he liked the sound of it. It was different from the laughs he usually heard, the ones women did at home when they attempted to sound breathy and airy. He felt annoyed at himself suddenly and urged his horse faster so that he didn't have to hear their laughter. The sooner we reach Jaria, the better. He thought.

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