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I've had time to reflect and kind of read my earlier chapters, and good Lord are they flawed! It's a wonder so many of you have read this far. I haven't had time to edit yet but I just wanted to thank you all for looking past my atrocious grammar and spelling mistakes in the first part of this book and continuing to read to this point. Okay back to Armor!

"I will kill you." Aiden charged toward Baldwin. He ran toward the door of the cell only to have it slammed in his face.

Baldwin's mocking laughter rang out as he stood just out of Aiden's reach. "So the young chit has made a friend eh?" He smirked. "Am I supposed to be frightened? You are locked inside of the cage like an animal!" He smiled at Aiden and leaned forward, a hair away from Aiden's twitching fingertips, whispering, "I hit her yes, 'tis true. I could do it again but I will do much more within a few hours. I will rid the world of her and her bloodline." Aiden's cry of outrage filled the dungeon, causing the other knights to jump almost out their skin. Baldwin just smiled and turned to leave.

"You will not have the chance." He swore. Isabella put her hand on his shoulder and watched as Baldwin left.

"Oh!" Baldwin yelled, "Young Henry will die at dawn." His cackle became silent as he went farther from the dungeon.

"Shite." Aiden swore as he went to punch the railing in his anger only to be grabbed by Isabella.

"Don't." She said softly. "Ai--"

"What? Where? Baldwin!" Henry yelled coming to, only to lay back groaning. "Lord." Isabella left Aiden's side to tend to Henry and Aiden began to pace.

"Henry what happened?" She asked.

"I was keeping watch and all was silent only with the occasional ringing out of your voices. I was peeking my head in here to warn you both to hush when I was hit from behind." He rubbed the spot and winced. "Now I am going to die... I guess I am just thankful that Hazel decided to stay with the Prince, believe it or not." Isabella raised an eyebrow at him before she leaned over and punched his arm hard.

"You have not told her yet!" She accused.


Aiden paused in his pacing, "Told who what?"

"Henry has not told Hazel that he--"

"What am I supposed to tell her? Hazel, I love you, you hold the key to my heart?" He asked her exasperated.


"Well I won't get the chance now because--"

"The key!" Aiden exclaimed before he reached within his underarmor for it. "Bella! We have the key. We can escape, find Baldwin and end this all right now."

Henry rose unsteadily. "Perfect."

"Not perfect." At Aiden's bewildered glance she continued. "Baldwin more than likely is more suspicious of everyone now, so he will be surrounded by at the least ten knights."

"We can get pass ten guards Bella."

"Not without slaughter. I do not want my men slain because of Baldwin's trickery."

"Isabella they are not loyal to you in any way! If they are told to, they will kill you."

"We cannot fault the for that. They are only following their teachings Aiden. They were taught to be be loyal to their sire no matter what. I taught them that. Unfortunately, as of now, Baldwin is their sire. They should not die because of that." She walked over and gently took the key from Aiden.

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