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"Lad, are you certain this was the better path to take?" King William questioned the boy just as he felt impatience settle in his chest.

Luke nodded. "I found this path when I had gotten lost on the way to Jaria. Once I figured it out, I realized that 'tis faster than the other route." Charles nodded satisfied with Luke's answer.

King William felt a premonition. "How far away are we?"

Luke winced slightly, "I am not sure Sir." He licked his dry lips, "A few days..." he paused, "or more?"

King William signaled to Edwin and Edwin nodded. "We shall hasten a little more, no more stopping until I recognize the land."

Charles scratched the back of his neck tiredly, "Why then?"

"If there is anything I do know, 'twould be my land. I take the reigns when we arrive. Something is telling me that," he paused seemingly deep in thought, "if Isabella has arrived home, she has landed into a messy situation." The Kings continued to ride with the Jarian Knights in tow. What was at first a mission to protect Charles, became a mission to genuinely assist the Gardian royalty. Despite being bred to hate any Gardian, the men found the kind and easy-going natures of both William and Isabella endearing. The men also hoped that whatever they had sensed between Aiden and Isabella grew, and that their leader could be happy.

William sat back and whispered to Charles, "I have no idea what is going on, but we may be entering hostile territory."

Charles clasped William's shoulder, "That man has caused a nearly a two decade rift between the two of us, and the Lord has deemed it acceptable that we receive a second chance at this friendship. I will help you William, my men will help you. You will get your kingdom back, and we will avenge Margo."

William simply nodded, his throat clogged with his emotions of gratitude and grief. They eventually stumbled upon forked path and with Luke's guidance, they chose the northern path. Little did they know, had the group chose the Southern path, a little farther would have revealed the Adultrine Castle, home of the rebellious refugees.


Sir Baldwin walked into the throne followed by the tall and scarred man and four guards.

He sat on the throne and smiled. "Bring her in." In walked Isabella, her armor on glistening in the sunlight that danced through the crystal windows. Henry followed and the two other knights were right behind her, who unlike Isabella, wore chains. Baldwin's sinister smile morphed into shock and then disdain to finally anger. "Why is she not shackled?!" He belted.

Isabella just politely smiled while her contempt flashed in her eyes. Do not get comfortable on that throne. She thought angrily. Before Henry could explain Isabella greeted Baldwin, "Hello Baldwin. I see you have made yourself comfortable." Her smile widened. "Oh, and you've invited guests. Who are these fine..." she paused and smirked, "scarred men?"

Baldwin clinched the armrests willing self control. "Why. Is. She. Not. Shackled?" Henry tried to answer but Isabella beat him to it.

"Now Baldwin, we both know I hate jewelry. Besides, any one who dares try to chain me clearly does not value their consciousness. Ask your right hand lad for example." At the look of outrage on Baldwin's face she continued, "You know, the one who knew about your attempt on my life and so thus you promised him my position." Isabella felt satisfied at the gasps from the knights.

"That is.. is preposterous. Accusing me of assassination now are we? Trying to get sympathy with your lies you tyrant, not while I stand... Henry get the chai--" The door burst open and in walked the young knight holding his head.

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