The Fall

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"I want to show you something." He replied distractedly.

Aiden lead her through the thick forest clearly knowing his way around the confusing foliage.

Isabella felt at a lost but blindly followed him. Over the past few days, both Isabella and Aiden have grown to trust one another despite initial reservations. She sighed.

He looked back and realized how selfish he was being, slowed his pace and grabbed her hand, the first contact they have had since Isabella touched his cheek. He continued to walk making sure to watch his step.

Isabella, blushing slightly at the contact, continued to follow him but became more curious as they went deeper into the forest. "Where--" she started.

Aiden stopped suddenly, "Close your eyes."

Isabella's eyebrow rose. Maybe this is a bad idea. "Close my eyes?" She asked.

"I have something I want to show you, but 'tis a surprise. Will you trust me?" Aiden looked into her eyes feeling slightly vulnerable. In the past few days, her opinion had become important to him and he had began to realize that she mattered to him. The idea scared him... in a good way. He wanted her to trust him.

She studied Aiden for what felt like a lifetime, but in reality it was only thirty seconds. Sighing and running her hand through her mane of hair, she closed her eyes.

He smiled at her closed eyes.

Isabella stood alert in case anything happened and screamed in shock when Aiden suddenly scooped her up. "Whaaa, What are you doing?!"

She tried to get down and was about to open her eyes when he said, "Relax, you cannot walk eyes closed without falling over anything. I am carrying you to our destination. Keep your eyes closed." He playfully ordered, carrying her as if she was as light as a feather.

After a while Isabella relaxed in his hold. His strong arms surrounding her felt right. She almost wanted to doze into a peaceful slumber when she perked up at the sound of water. "Is that--"

"Open your eyes." Aiden interrupted.

Isabella usually would have glared at him for interrupting her again but she was too distracted by the beauty in front of her.

He held on tighter to her and smiled at her shocked face. "This place is called The Fall. I discovered it as a lad, and Eric and I would play here for hours. We made up adventures like in the stories."

Rocks and foliage littered the pass but what took Isabella's breath away was the magnificent waterfall in the very center of the pass. The sun beamed down on it, the bright blue water sparkled and danced in the beams. Tears filled her eyes at the beauty of the nature.

He panicked, "Are you alright?! Does The Fall not meet your fancy? Pray tell me what tis' upsetting you."

She laughed. "'Tis all so beautiful Aiden, I am not upset, just kind of emotional." She laughed again wiping away her tears.

Aiden's heartbeat slowed a bit but he continued to watch her closely for any signs of distress.

Realizing she was still cuddled into his arms, she cleared her throat making a move to get down. Aiden reluctantly let her go and commenced explaining, "The Fall is just as old as the Willow. No one knows of its existence in the Kingdom but the royal family... and I." He added.

Isabella walked to the water and sat near it seeing her reflection perfectly clear. She gasped at how wild her hair looked. Usually she cared not for appearance because she had become accustomed Aiden's presence but suddenly she felt self-conscious. She went to fix her hair when Aiden's hand stopped her, "Don't." He curled a hand around her curls like she often did, "I like your hair down and wild. Though you did," he laughed, "get a few twigs into it."

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