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So I start my senior year in high school tomorrow so things will be busy for the next few days I hope to update this weekend because I am REALLY REALLY excited for the next part I already have it all planned, it is just a matter of having the time to actually write it. Trust me when I say it will BLOW your minds :D

Bare with me everyone, I will try to update as often as I can...

P.S I begin to realize the more I write that author notes probably annoy you so this will be the last one I post hopefully.

Thank you all for reading, I am not sure how much is left but the climax is approaching us... -Puts hand dramatically on a sword- BRACE YOURSELVES!

Also, I mayyyyy and I say that very loosely, have a story for Eric following this depending on how this one ends, what would you guys say to that? XD Let me know yay or nay

ArmorWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt