wiLL tHeY shUt uP!?

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Tony POV

Beep Beep Beep

"Ughhhh, Friday shut the alarm off."

'Ok boss'

I try to fixen myself up a bit before I go to the kitchen, but it didn't work, oh well.

'I don't get how Peter, Bruce, Bucky and Steve get up so early! It's 8:00 a.m.! Well Peters usually up at this time on school days, and it was a school day as it was Wednesday.' I thought as I headed down to the kitchen.

"Hey Pete, Bruce, Steve, Bucky." I said turning the corner to the kitchen.


"Mornin' sunshine"

"Want Coffee?"

"Sure" I reply than I notice something. Where's Peter?

"Hey guys, where's Pete?" I question

Bruce just shrugged "I don't know, he didn't come down yet. We figured he's with you in the lab"

"Well he wasn't, but we're supposed to leave for school in 15 minutes, I'll go check on him." So I turned around to go up three level to the rooms.

When I got there I knocked on his door and heard a large groan, is he? No he wouldn't. Would he? Now way he is...maybe he is?

I decided to walk in and was very pleased to see that he wasn't, ya know. Anyways, I was confused when I found Peter shirtless with sweatpants on, with his eyes closed and his hands covering his ears.

"Hey Pete, you're gonna be late." I said in a normal tone, but when I said that, he winced and did a little 'shh'. Someone's sassy today

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Lower your voice" he said, barely audible.

"Ok," I started, now whispering "one, you can open your eyes, it's not like you can't."

"No," he whispered and then he whispered something else, but I couldn't hear it.

"You gotta speak up, I'm getting old." I joked with him

"Too bright" he said a little louder.

"What do you mean 'too bright'"

"The lights, too bright"

"Hey Friday lower the lights to 12 percent please thank you." I asked Friday and she didn't respond but lowered the lights.

"Can you tell Steve and Bucky to stop yelling?" He mumbled

"Huh?" I asked confused

"They're so loud tell them to stop."

"I'll tell them to stop, I'll be right back." I told him.

"Hmm" He hums as I walk out the door

Now I'm confused, Steve and Bucky are three floors below us, somethings really wrong but before I know it, the elevator dings and I see Bucky and Steve talking normally, not noticing me come in but Bruce does.

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