achoo, i think it's the flu (part 2)

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^hehe that rhymed


Peters POV

I woke up to the sound of my door opening, I look up and see Natasha, Bucky, Clint, Tony and Wanda in the doorway.

"Oh hey, sorry to wake you kid. You feeling any better?" Tony asked

"Eh" I said and flopped back down on my bed.

Natasha looked skeptical and she took a step forward, only to be pulled back by Clint.

"Let the kid sleep," he told her as they walked out of the room.

"Go back to sleep kid." Bucky told me

"And I'll have FRIDAY tell me when you're awake because I think Steve is making you soup." Tony explained as they both walked out.

In the living room, Tony's POV

I walk into the living room with Barnes, coming back from Pete's room, to see Clint, Wanda and Nat discussing something seriously and Steve making some soup.

"Hey guys whatcha' talking about?" I asked

"I don't think Peter is actually sick." Natasha said blatantly.

"I don't know why she doesn't believe him. Peter wouldn't lie to us." Clint added

"I don't think he's lying, he's having an English test today and he wouldn't miss it." Bucky joined

"Yah but he looked perfectly fine when he sat up, and he sounded fine, and—" Natasha started

"When he walked into the kitchen this morning, he was all sweaty and he had a fever." Steve chimed in

"Let's go check on him and ask him then," I said before anyone else could say anything, and headed off to his bedroom with everyone following.

We get to his room only to find it empty. We look around and then we see the bathroom door wide open with Peter hunched over it, vomiting.

"Still think he's lying?" I snapped at Natasha, who looked a bit sheepish. I know, Natasha, showing emotion!

I ran to Peter and started rubbing his back. "It's okay kid, let it out." I said as I tried to comfort him.
I can't believe Natasha thought he was faking, he's obviously sick.

After a few minutes, he slowly stopped and leaned against the wall.

I looked behind me and saw every single avenger spread out in his room looking towards the bathroom, Bruce being right by the door, probably to give him a quick check up.

"Let's get you back to bed kid." I told him

"Good idea." He responded (420 words)

"Can you get there on your own?" I asked as I helped him up as he looked dazed.

"I think I got it." He said as he started walking out.

Right after he got to the door, he stumbled and almost fell, only to have Bruce (🥰) catch him.

"Don't hurt yourself Pete." He said gently

"Sorry." He mumbled

Bruce and I helped Peter to his bed, which the avengers that were on it quickly scrambled off.

"FRI, what's his temp?" I asked the AI.

'Mr. Parker's temperature seems to be at 101.8 degrees Fahrenheit.' (37.8 degrees Celsius)

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