normal life? don't know her. (part 2)

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Peter POV

When I got back downstairs with my pizza, I sat down to Ned and we started talking again.

Apparently, people noticed that I went to the bathroom, and came back with pizza, and they thought it was a bit weird.

'Is there pizza in the bathroom?'

'I don't know, I'll go check.' That idiot actually checked

'Where did he get that?'

Flash finally had the courage to stand up to me. "Hey Penis! Where'd you get that pizza? I want some!"

"Too bad, now leave me alone." I told him, he just huffed and turned away

When I was eating my second slice, my spidey senses started going off. Than, in a blink of an eye, the one and only Scott Lang decided to explode with largeness in the empty seat next to me and all eyes turned to us.

"Heyyy Peter! How's it going?" Scott asked innocently.

"It'd be better if you weren't here right now." I am said honestly

He mocked offense and put a hand on his heart. "I'm hurt." He then gasped "*gasp* is that pizza!? Thanks Pete!"

He took my pizza. He took my pizza. No one takes my pizza. No one.

"Did you just take my pizza?" I asked threateningly and Scott gulped visibly.

"HAHA! You're so dead Scott." A new voice from above came. I look up and see it's Clint, eating popcorn.

"Can't you guys leave me alone!" I exclaim

"No" they said in unison.

Suddenly I see some red magic push the vent cover back up and pull Scott away ("Hey! What the-!") so I look around and see Wanda sitting there, hitting Scott on the head. I mouth a quick 'thank you' and she winks at me before walking off.

I see that everyone is staring at me, so I give them a quick embarrassed smile and go back to eating my pizza, which by the way i only have one slice left now. I'm so getting Scott back.

After I'm done, I get up to throw my plate out, but when I turned around, Flash was standing there waiting.

"What the hell was that Penis? How much did you pay them to do that? Oh wait, you can't pay them, you're just a broke, pathetic, ugly ass loser." Flash mocked, which was not a good idea because he didn't realize who was behind him.

"What did you just say?" Flash's eyes widened as he heard the fuming, yet calm voice behind him.

He turned around to face the angry first avenger. "No-Nothing sir."

"It sounded like something. So tell me what you said." Steve boomed.

"I said he's a broke, pathetic, ugly ass loser." Flash squeaked.

"You know I don't like bullies son."

Flash just nodded.

"Leave Peter alone, or you will have a doorstep of angry avengers." He turned to me then. "Come with me." And with that he walked off and I followed him into the hallway.

"You said you talked to the principal and he stopped bullying you."

"I know, and I may've lied when I said that." I said sorrily.

"Why did you lie Pete? You know you can trust us."Steve asked with the Eyebrows of Disappointment ™

"I know I can but I didn't want you to kill him, or hurt him." I answered honesty

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