snatched(part 3)

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Lots of people requested a part 3 to this so here it is

This is pretty bad so sry

Tony POV

"Hey, I need a favor"

'I'm not going to clean your tower for you again.'

"It's not that, it's something else."

'What is it?'

"You know Spiderman?"

'Yah, I don't know who he is though."

"Well, he's a super sweet fifteen year old kid that was kidnapped, and he needs surgery on his leg."

'I'm a nuero surgeon, not an orthopedic'

"Please, it's a badly broken leg and this kid means the world to me, i was so lost without him, please do this for me."



'I'll be there in a minute."

"Thanks so much" I said as I hung up

"BRUCE" I called out

"What? I'm ten feet away." He told me

"He's gonna do-"

Before I got to finish an orange portal opened.

"The Queen is here." Strange said sassily

"You're right, I'm here." I retorted.

"I meant me."

"No, you're just a peasant, I'm the queen."

"GUYS! Stop arguing! We all know I'm the queen!" Clint exclaimed

"NO I'M THE QUEEN!" Sam argued

"Ok guys, you guys are all queens of different lands so can you focus on the important stuff here?" Steve The Party Pooper said

"Yah, whatever. Bruce can you put him under?" Strange told him not really caring, that was gonna change

"Wait, don't yet Bruce. Strange, come here real quick I need to talk to you in private" I demanded

He shrugged and walked out of the room to a different one with me.

We walked into a soundproof room (I don't think he knows that though so don't tell him) and we sat there for a minute before broke the silence.

"I'm sorry that I broke up with you but I don't regret it, and if that's the reason you're not really caring about this and you mess up my kids leg you will regret ever existing. So you better start actually doing this and not put minimal effort because if you don't then you just got yourself into some deep shit that you might not make out alive" I threatened, every few syllables taking a step forward until he was pressed against the wall

"Am I clear?" I asked

"Crystal." He said a bit shaky, pushing me away and walking out of the room towards medbay

I followed him to the Med-Bay a few minutes after I cooled down a bit and walked in to find Bucky, Clint, Strange and Bruce, everyone else probably went to sleep as it was 3:00 AM. (Ik oopsie big time skip but it makes life easier)

Peter was sitting up, leg elevated, drawing on Clint's sleeping face with a sharpie, Bucky was sleeping and Strange and Bruce were talking.

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