Chapter two

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Chapter 2

One week later

Alex pulled her hair out of the ponytail it was in as she walked passed the guards at her father's mansion. She had decided she liked hunting and was going to pack some clothes and things for another possible case she found in Ridgewood, New Jersey. It was another ghost case, although hopefully this time it would be an actual ghost.

"Hey! I'm home!" She called, closing the mansion's door behind her. Leo instantly ran off looking for food, leaving Alex alone. "Dad?" She pulled off her coat and hung it up on a golden coat rack beside the door. The mansion was dark. Alex walked into the room where Crowley would watch TV typically, finding it empty.

"The boss is out on business, Miss," A deep voice said from behind Alex. She turned around to see a tall man in an expensive looking suit- one of the guards. "We didn't expect you to be back so soon." He blinked and his eyes flashed black, then went back to their normal dark brown color.

"Whatever, I'm not staying long." Alex passed the demon and headed towards her room.

"Mr. Crowley wants you to take care of something actually." The demon followed her down the hallway.

Alex groaned, "What is it?" She went into her room, creating a suitcase out of thin air and moving over to her closet.

"There are some demons, in Santa Monica, Mr.Crowley sent them there to-"

"Santa Monica? California?! I have a job in New Jersey!" Alex stopped shoving clothes in her suitcase to glare the demon. "Why the Hell should I clean up his demon's mess?"

"Miss Alex, I was told you have to do this. The demons aren't doing their job. He also said there may be a, case, as you call it." The demon shifted uncomfortably, he knew Alex was stubborn, but he had forgotten about how short tempered she is, she was just like a demon sometimes, maybe even worse.

"Case huh? Details?" Alex zipped shut the suitcase and placed it on the ground beside her, patting Leo's head. He had apparently followed her here without her knowing.

"Well one of the demon's meat suit's wife died. He said he found a hex bag in the house."

"Uh huh. So witch. Alright. Sounds cooler than the ghost I was after in Ridgewood." Alex shrugged and pulled up the handle to the suitcase beside her, dragging it behind her as she left the room. She didn't have the energy to complain more and refuse the job. "So what am I doing to these demons huh? Death, warning, what?"

"I believe Mr. Crowley left that up to you Miss," The demon walked with her passed the other demon guard to outside the tan mansion. "Are you taking your Hellhound with you?" He looked back to the demon hound that sat on the front steps, waiting patiently for an order.

"Ahm. No. Watch over him for me, kay?" Alex called over her shoulder as she walked down the long driveway to the tall front gates that were already open. Alex didn't wait for a reply from the demon, she just continued down the driveway to where her dark blue Camaro awaited her return.


Alex stalked up to the yellow and white house Crowley had sent her to. She had no clue why there were demons undercover, she assumed it was to collect souls or make deals, like the usual lame stuff her father did. She also had no idea how she was supposed to get information on the woman who was killed by a witch. Alex could always ask neighbors about the victim, but as she knocked on the door to the house she decided she could just wait for the witch to strike again. The door opened to show a man in a plaid shirt and worn out jeans with messy blonde hair. "Jake, right?" Alex crossed her arms, "The demon?"

Crowley's Daughter (Supernatural Fanfiction~)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें