Chapter five

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Chapter 5

Alex awoke to a sharp pain piercing her side. She groaned and pulled herself into a sitting position on her bed, ignoring the pain. "What...happened?"

"You tell me," Crowley replied, strolling into the room and standing beside the end of the bed. "Those are some pretty serious wounds."

"Oh..." was all Alex said as everything came back to her. "Uhm... It was a werewolf..." She knew Crowley would be upset,well, more than upset, with her going out on another hunt.

"A werewolf!?" Alex sighed as her father began to lecture her. Here we go...

"I thought I told you to stop hunting?" Alex was taken aback by Crowley's calm tone. She mentally prepared herself for when Crowley would start screaming.

"Well. Yeah, you did but..."

"But nothing." Crowley growled at her. "What if you had gotten killed? Or worse?"

Alex stood up, somewhat painfully, from the bed, "Well I didn't, okay? So lay off."

"No. I'm not kidding with you Alex. Had you gotten captured in your state by any angels or any of Lucifer's followers, who knows what would have happened." Crowley was becoming red in the face. Why the hell does he have to be so pissed off about this? I'm fine!

"Okay, okay, I get it."

"Do you?"

"Why do you care so much anyway?" Alex crossed her arms. "You know I'm strong enough to take care of myself. Hell, I know how you've treated me my entire life isn't normal. You hated your son. You treat everyone like shit, which is expected by now, but you're all loving and sweet to me. Why?"

Crowley took a step back in surprise. "What?"

"Am I just a pawn?" Alex thought out loud. "I am aren't I? I'm strong enough to take out anything you want me too. Lucifer included, I bet. I'm probably your 'get out of jail free' card or something, huh? Because we both know if Lucifer gets his way, he'll destroy Heaven, and then come straight for you demons." Alex narrowed her eyes at Crowley as he shifted uncomfortably. "But with me around, you douche bags actually have a chance at defeating him. Tell me, am I correct?"

"W-Well... I..." Crowley stammered, before regaining his composure. "No. You're not a pawn. You're my daughter. And although you could be of some help with Lucifer, that is not the only reason I care. Now, enough of this foolish talk. You are to stay in this room until you heal, completely. For your own safety."

"What?!" Alex exclaimed. "I'm grounded?! Hell no! You can't do that!" Crowley ignored her complaints and exited the room. "Hey! Get back here asshole!" He can't make me stay in here.

Alex stomped angrily over to a window and easily shattered the glass. "Looks like you haven't started putting up spells yet huh?" Alex laughed and poked her head out the window. She was on the second story of the mansion, so just jumping out the broken window wouldn't be an option. And although she would never admit it, her wounds were too severe to even try jumping anyway.

She sighed and looked around her room for anything to help her get down. Her eyes landed on the crimson curtains and she smirked. Just like when me and Sam used curtains to get that boy up. She smiled slightly at the memory.

The two male hunters weren't as bad as she thought they would be. Although she didn't know much about them, she kind of liked them. Hell, I don't even know their last names. Alex thought as she lowered the curtains out of the window. They didn't reach all the way to the ground, but just far enough so she could get outside safely. I'm not gonna have much time before he notices I'm gone though.

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