Chapter fourteen part two

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Chapter 14 part 2

         "Look, I'm sorry guys, I can't discuss it." The pastor apologized.

         "Dad it's okay." A girl came over with long brown hair.


         "It's Sam and Dean Winchester, they're safe." Leah assured. What am I just not here? Alex thought. "I know all about them," Leah continued.

         "You do?" Dean asked.

         "Sure. From the angels." Oh joy. Alex breathed in deeply. One time, one time I would  enjoy not having to deal with angels.

         "The angels. Awesome." Dean seemed to agree with Alex's thoughts.

         "Don't worry, they can't see you here. The markings on your ribs, right?" Sam and Dean looked at Leah, confused at how she actually knew all of this.

         "So, you know all this because the angels told you?" Sam questioned.

         "Yes, among other things." Leah smiled.

         "Like the snappy little exorcism spell." Dean pointed out.

         "And they show me where the demons are going to be before it happens, how to fight back." That doesn't sound like the angels I know. Alex narrowed her eyes slightly, not believing any of what the girl said.

         "She's never been wrong. Not once." The pastor walked over to his daughter and stroked her hair.

         "Dad." Leah complained embarrassingly.

         "Let me guess, before you see something, you get a really bad migraine, see flashing lights?" Dean assumed.

         "How'd you know?" Leah asked.

         "Cause you're not the first prophet we've met. But you are the cutest." Dean smiled. Alex rolled her eyes, as the pastor looked at Dean. "I mean that with total respect, of course." Dean tried to defend himself.


         Alex sat with Dean at a table in the bar while Sam tried calling Castiel and got him and Dean beers.

         Sam came over and sat across from Dean, handing him a beer. "So, you get a hold of Cas?"

         "Yeah. I left him a message.....I think...So ah, what's your theory? Why all the demon hits?"

         "I don't know. Gank the girl prophet maybe?" Dean suggested.

         Alex stayed silent as Sam shook his head and Dean asked him what was wrong, "Just, these angels are sending these people to do their dirty work."

         "Yeah, and?" Dean took a sip of his beer.

         "And they could get ripped to shreds."

         "We're all gonna die Sam, in like a month, maybe two. I mean it. I mean, this is the end of the world, but these people aren't freaking out. In fact they're running to the exits in an orderly fashion. I don't know that that's such a bad thing."

         "Who says they're all gonna die?" Sam asked. Alex didn't say anything, but she had to agree with Dean. "Whatever happened to us saving them?"

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