Chapter nine

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Chapter 9

        *Warning- torture, possibly triggering, idk man*

         Alex coughed, dark red blood coming from her mouth and pooling on the floor. She groaned as Meg, the demon, punched her in the stomach again, and she coughed up more blood. She was being held up by chains that were attached to her wrists, while more chains held her ankles, keeping her in place. The chains also had powerful spells carved into them, preventing her from breaking free.

         “Don’t worry, you can’t die.” Meg smirked. “Death’s made sure of that, remember?”

         “Fuck….you…” Alex lifted her head to glare at the demon.


         “Alex! Someone’s here to see you!” Crowley called up the stairs to Alex, who was laying on her bed reading. She sighed and closed her book, heading downstairs to see who was there.

         “Hello~” A woman wearing a loose purple shirt with a black leather jacket over it and jeans sang.

         “You….” Alex glared at the demon. “Why are you here?”

         “Father would like to see you.” The female demon smiled.

         “And who says I want to see him?” Alex crossed her arms.

         “Me. Because he’s left me in charge of you.” She smirked.

         You?” Alex laughed. “You think that you’ll be enough?”

         “I’m sure. Don’t forget, he’s in your head too.”

         Alex rolled her eyes, “Whatever. But I shouldn’t have to listen to some filthy demon.”

         You’re not. You’re listening to me.

         Alex was startled by Lucifer’s sudden appearance. Has he been here the whole time!?

         “So you’ll come quietly, yeah?” Meg was still smirking, knowing Alex could do nothing but obey.

         Alex sighed, “Fine. What do you want anyway?” She followed the demon to a black car and climbed in, stuck in the backseat with Meg while two other demons sat up front.

         “I believe Father will explain when we arrive.”

         “Okkayyyy…..” Alex muttered. Where is his hide out anyway? Some filthy abandoned warehouse? Nah, I think he has more class than that…. Maybe a mansion like my father?


         When they arrived, Alex was surprised to see it was a nice large, all brick, European style house that Lucifer was staying in. “A little obvious, ay?” Alex muttered.

         “Maybe, but it works.” Meg shrugged. I suppose being in the middle of a neighborhood is hidden enough. Alex thought.  

         The inside was beautiful, they entered into a large foyer, then Meg led Alex to the even bigger living room, where Lucifer waited alone. The living room was decorated simply, dark red wallpaper with gold lining and a brick fireplace on the right wall. There wasn’t much furniture, besides a couch.

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