Chapter eight

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Chapter 8

Alex sat on the hood of her car and watched the stars, hugging her knees to her chest. After everything happened, she came here to think. I'm an idiot. I messed up big time.

"Yo!" Alex didn't even bother looking at Gabriel as he flew in and leaned against the car beside her. "What happened? You don't look very happy."

"I'm never happy." Alex muttered. "We lost Ellen and Joe, the Colt didn't work, and..." Alex sighed.

"And...?" Gabriel pressed.

Alex sighed again and lowered her knees from her chest, then lifted up both of her wrists. A gold wire-type thing appeared, wrapping around both wrists like handcuffs. Alex looked at Gabriel to see his reaction and wasn't surprised.

"Dammit, Alex! How did that happen!?" Gabriel yelled, moving so he was standing in front of her.

Alex lowered her arms, the wire fading, although it was still there. "I...I don't know. Castiel got captured and I was with him and I just...froze..." Gabriel sighed. "What do we do?" Alex spoke, kind of quietly.

"I don't know if there's anything we can do." Gabriel crossed his arms. "He used the same spell on Death, it's not something that can easily be broken."

"Wait, Death? Like the horseman? Like the Grim Reaper?" Alex's eyes widened. If a horseman is bound with the same spell, there seriously isn't anything we can do.

"Yep. That's the one." He nodded.

Alex covered her face with her hands then ran them through her hair. "Well I'm fucked."

"Has he made you do anything yet?"

"No. Not really. He actually told me to go back to Sam and Dean and to act like everything was normal." Alex informed him. "I dislike this whole not knowing what to do thing." Alex muttered.

Gabriel laughed a little, "We'll figure something out."

"That's not what you told the Winchesters..." Alex raised an eyebrow at him.

Gabriel was taken-aback, "I-I uh..."

"Whatever, I don't even care really. I'm stressed at the moment." Alex put her head in her hands again. "I liked life a lot better when I thought I was a normal person."

Gabriel was at a loss for words. What do I do? Comfort her? Leave? Nah, leaving would be a bad idea...I also need to find a time to tell her... "Well,'s Leo?"

"Dunno. I ordered him to go home but I haven't been there yet. I came straight to here." Alex sighed. The hell am I doing? Being depressed isn't going to help anything... "Can we do something?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know... Know any fun places?" Alex stood up and brushed herself off.

"Of course I do." Gabriel smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.


Alex and Gabriel couldn't stop laughing as the large muscular guard threw them out the back door to a five-star restaurant. They had gotten thrown out for picking on the waiter and starting a food fight with another table. The manager stood in the back doorway, yelling at them in Italian. Yes, they were in Italy as well. Gabriel calmed his laughter and yelled back at the man in Italian as well.

"You know Italian?" Alex laughed, standing up.

"Sì, lo faccio. (Yes, I do)" Gabriel smirked, "I can speak French as well."

Alex rolled her eyes, "Of course you can." She was feeling much better about everything that was going on, Gabriel was good at getting her mind off of things. They walked down the street together as the sun began to rise. They had been messing around all night.

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