12. The One At A Frat Party Pt. 1

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❝If things seem under control, you are just not going fast enough

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❝If things seem under control,
you are just not going fast enough.❞

Mario Andretti



"There's no way you're going to fit," I refused to believe.

"Girls always say that."

I hit his arm. "Oh, shut up."

"You need to have more faith in me." Jaxon laughed, speeding in between two trucks.

I clenched the space under my neck, biting the insides of my cheeks as he zoomed out from between the semi-trucks at lightning speed. He was well over the speed limit, coasting the Texas freeway with the windows down and the music blasting at full volume.

Jaxon peaked a glance at me, chuckling to himself with his stick-straight blonde hair flowing all around his face, creating a frame. "Ease up, granny. I drive for a living. I won't wreck us into a tree."

"You could've fooled me." I huffed, lowering the volume. "You drive like a maniac."

"I told you—"

"Watch out for that motorcycle!" I screeched. "Jaxon!"

"Ugh, what did I say about yelling?" He gripped the stirring wheel, meeting his shoulder to his ear. "God, I imagined you screaming my name for the first time would've be a lot hotter than that banshee scream."

"What did you say mister?"

"You really are talking like my granny now. Mister," he echoed, scoffing. "Lighten up. It's a joke. You know, ha ha, funny. An attempt at humoring you. You're tense. I was trying to get you to laugh."

"You're only getting me irritated."

"You're not a pleasant to be around either by screaming in my ear and insulting my driving skills. I don't need a co-driver in this car. I saw that motorcycle."

"I'm trying to help."

"Try to do less of that," he noted, switching lanes. He hardly looked at his mirrors.

Jaxon cleared his throat. "I'm the one who's meant to be helping you here."

"And I can't thank you enough," I said through tight lips. If this wasn't my last resort, I might've been more inclined to sound enthusiastic. Jaxon was my only hope, unfortunately. Despite knowing that, I still couldn't see myself easing up to the idea of being cooped up in the same apartment as Jaxon for two days.

"Do you want to swing by the sorority to get your things?"

"As lovely as that sounds, I think that's impossible."

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