14. The One Afterwards

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카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도

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카드로 만든 집 그 속에서 우린
끝이 보인대도 곧 쓰러진대도

❝A house made of cards, and us, inside
Even though the end is visible
Even if it's going to collapse soon.❞

―House of Cards by BTS *song above*



Things got very interesting very fast. One moment, I thought I was only retrieving my things, but now a whole new storm started swirling at the sight of Noah kissing my best friend, Clive. For one, Noah had a girlfriend and shouldn't be locked away in a room with a boy he probably didn't know for more than thirty minutes. His girlfriend practically broke her back in making my life torture. The trouble started when he flirted with me at a party, feet away from her, and it only went downhill from there.

Noah and Clive got dressed. I called in Jaxon and he blocked off the door while we questioned Noah. He had a lot of explaining to do. He was shaking terribly, and at first, didn't want to speak. Repeatedly, he expressed his concern in not telling Rebecca about what I saw.

"Unlike you, I'm not horrible, terrible individual," I snarled. "I won't out you from the closet."

"I'm not a bad guy, either," he defended. "Maybe I embellished—"

"You lied! You flat out lied!" I injected, not letting him finish his falsehood. "I haven't even held your hand. You made up stories about us hooking up and told your girlfriend." I stomped forward, poking my index finger into his chest as I spoke, "Because of you, I'm homeless, living on some satyriasis's couch."

"Hey." Jaxon barked. "Don't use words I don't know to describe me. No big words." He nudged Clive, who was standing up against the wall next to him. "What's that mean?"

The corner of Clive's lips flipped downward, raising his shoulders in confusion. "Don't look at me. I didn't do all that well on standardize testing."

"It suits you, don't fret. The both of you," I mumbled, veering my attention back to the culprit and cause of my woes. "Why? Why me? Why did you have to make up lies about me?"

Noah leaned back on to his elbows, groaning. "I didn't pick you specifically for any malicious reason. It was random. I tried breaking up with Rebecca earlier, but she assumed I was cheating on her, so I let her believe it. She began listing out names, asking me who, and I said yes when she said yours. It wasn't on purpose. I could've said yes to anyone."

"Still, she wouldn't break it off," he continued to say. "So, at the next party, I began making obvious advances at you in front of her to see if that would do anything. It didn't. I broke up with her in front of everyone, and that did it. She stopped trying to get with me. She accepted the breakup."

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