Chapter 15

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(Reese in the picture above)

__ Reese's POV __

I was having lunch with Carnell in the cafeteria on campus. Today was a pretty good day, although I was feeling a little stressed out.

CARNELL: "Hey girl!" (smiles)

REESE: "Hey..."

CARNELL: "Are you okay?"

REESE: "Yeah, I just had this test in Chemistry and I hope I passed it. I've been studying soo hard!"

CARNELL: "And it'll all pay off, don't worry. You'll be fine. (continues eating before asking) Is that all you were worried about?"

REESE: (biting lip)"Not really. I've seen Eric around the campus a lot... he gives me these strange looks in the hallway."

CARNELL: "Really? Does he bother you at all--"

REESE: "No, no. He just... gives me these threatening looks and walks by. I feel like he's up to something, Carnell."

CARNELL: "He's probably just mad at the world. Don't worry about him; if he bothers you just tell me and I'll serve him another knuckle sandwich."

REESE: (sighs) "Okay..."

__ Carnell's POV __

After lunch, I decided to get a smoothie before I went to my last class. I was thinking about what Reese told me about Eric. Just hearing his name makes me think of that incident at the club... I still see his ugly face in my mind... trying to pull Reese away from us. I'm just glad she's not with him anymore. 

Someone had bumped passed me really hard in the hallway, interrupting my train of thought and causing me to drop the smoothie that was in my hand. I quickly turned around and said "What the heck?" That's when I realized who it was... ERIC.

ERIC: "Watch where you're going, home boy." (he walks away)

I was completely shocked and angry at the same time. I looked down at what was once my perfectly good smoothie and shook my head. What was that about?!

__ Gia's POV __

Yesterday at the Breeding's house was really embarrassing. I mean first it was Kelly's ex-girlfriend Mikayla that made me mad, then having the guys fight over me just put the icing on the cake. I was soo glad to leave their house after that. Ugghh! And now I have to see Bryan in English class... I really hope it's not awkward.

TEACHER: "Okay, class, your assignment is to continue reading 'Romeo & Juliet'. I will assign partners today and each group's performance will be Friday. Good luck and have fun entering the world of Shakespeare!" (he claps twice and grins)

BRYAN: "Wow. He's really enthusiastic." (chuckles)

GIA: "Yep..."

BRYAN: "So, uh, what's up?"

I really didn't want to talk to anyone today. Especially Bryan, I feel awkward. So I gave him the silent treatment throughout class.

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