Chapter 18

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__ Raven's POV__

The previous night, my sister Reese had came into the dorm room crying her eyes out. I asked her what was wrong, and then she explained this whole ordeal with her and Carnell at the beach. She told me that she told Carnell that she slept with Eric.

Well, first I had to comfort her so she could stop crying. But what makes me mad is the fact that she even slept with him! After all he's done to her emotionally and also how he treated us -- her friends -- and she goes back to him?! I feel really sympathetic for Nellz though... he really LOVES my sister! She's hurt him once before and now again?! It's all too much!

Now on a different subject, Dustin told me about what happened with Kelly. I remember Patrick saying that Kelly went over his ex Mikayla's house and never came back until the next morning. The assumption I had turned out to be true: Kelly slept with her thirsty butt! Then Dustin told me how she might be pregnant, but nobody knows...

After hearing this last piece of news, I decided to text my girl Gia and tell her about her fantasy man Kelly Allen Breeding. I told her all the deets I got from Dustin and THEN SOME. I just thought she should know the truth about him. It's really sad -- she really liked him -- but I don't think it's wrong to warn your friend that the guy she liked is taken. Now she'll never have a chance with him. :(

__ Gia's POV __

The night after Nicole made out with Bryan during our rehearsal, she came to my dorm room and tried to explain. The conversation went like this:

GIA: "Why did you do it, Nicole? That's all I want to know."

Nicole: (sighs) "Okay, look. I kissed him because I wanted to! I've had a crush on him ever since I saw him on TV -- you know this! Bryan was supposed to be mine... until I met Roger. Then he stole my heart."

GIA: "I understand you liked him, but if you have a boyfriend, why kiss another guy?"

Nicole: "I'm not satisfied, that's why! Plus, Gia, you always get the good ones! You're just miss goody-goody and I figured taking away something from you wouldn't be too bad. So I kissed Bryan. So what? You act like it's the end of the world."

She shrugs her shoulders.

GIA: "Bryan's a good guy. You don't need to be confusing his emotions, Nicole! I'm sorry if you're stupid relationship isn't worth it, but that doesn't mean you can plant your crusty lips on other people's guys!"


This is the question that has haunted me ever since. Why do I care so much about someone that doesn't even love me? Bryan's a great friend no doubt... but maybe I was spending too much time thinking and hoping we had a relationship that I got mixed up with reality. Bryan is single. I am single. I guess he can make his own decisions, right?

Nicole: "You wanna know the second reason I kissed Bryan? I figured, if I can get with Bryan Breeding of B5 maybe they can boost my dancing career."

Me: "So... are you seriously saying you were using him?"

Nicole: "Yes, my slow friend. (chuckles) That's the truth. Are we done here?"

That's all I needed to hear. I can't believe she would do something like that. I began furiously texting my only sane friend -- Raven. I told her Nicole is just using Bryan for her own success.

__ Bryan's POV __

Last night and the night before was sooo weird. WAIT, SCRATCH THAT -- this whole week has been pretty bizarre. I mean, my brothers Kelly and Nellz are having girl problems that are beginning to work my nerves. Then I get this text from Dustin saying that he heard from Raven that the reason Nicole kissed me the other day is because she's using me to get her own fame as a dancer. What the heck?

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