Chapter Three

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Friday, Yoongi's House, 9:00 PM, Yoongi's POV:

You are still lying on the couch and Hoseok as just brought you a cup of tea, when you hear a knock on the door. "Thanks, Hobi," you say distractedly, looking towards the entry hall as Namjoon quickly walks over to answer it. When he comes back, his pretty boyfriend is with him. Honestly, that guy is too good-looking to be real. Sometimes, you just want to try and poke his face, just to make sure he isn't a hologram or something.

He is wearing a dark maroon jacket, the color of dried blood, a black turtleneck, and glasses? Did he always wear glasses? You stare at his eyes, trying to remember, but get distracted by how shiny his hair is. You quickly shake your head and look away. "Hi there Yoongi, Hoseok, it's a pleasure to see you both, I just wish it were under happier circumstances," Jin says, giving you a half smile and a little wave. You look over at Hobi to see him just staring blankly at Jin, so you quickly answer, "Nice to see you too, so can you help find Y/n?"

Namjoon puts a hand on his back, and leads him over to the couch opposite yours, and they both sit down. "Well," Jin says, looking you directly in the eyes. Your heartrate speeds up a bit for some reason. "Well, the police won't be any help to you for some time, no matter how much I try and interfere, it's the law. However, my cousin, Park Jimin, has a very good private investigator that he always uses to find anyone who tries to threaten him, or any fans who get too... up close and personal, if you catch my meaning."

"He is very good, if Y/n has been taken, he will find her." He says is a smooth voice, still looking into your eyes. You hear his words, but it takes you a second to actually understand them. "Wait, your cousin is Park Jimin? As in the model?" Hobi asks disbelievingly. Jin turns his gaze on him and nods slowly, "Yes, we are a very good-looking family," he replies in that smooth voice, smirking almost imperceptibly.

"And this guy, this detective, he will help find Y/n?" you ask, suddenly returning to your senses and sitting up straighter. "Yes, as long as she wants to be found," he answers, looking back at you. "What do you mean? Of course, she wants to be found!" you say a bit loudly. He just looks at you for a moment before asking, "Are you sure?" he blinks on the word 'sure', and you just look at him, feeling confused.

"You never hit her, or yelled at her, or abused her in any way?" he asks, his voice sounds like liquid velvet and he blinks on the words 'hit', 'yell', and 'abuse'. Suddenly, you can't remember. Did you ever hit Y/n? You don't think you did, it's not something you would ever want to do, but you can't remember exactly. "No... no I don't think I did..." you reply, you are still unsure. "Of course not!" Hobi says from next to you, and you all turn to look him. "Are you sure?" Jin asks him, blinking on the word 'sure'. He looks slightly startled, before turning to look at you and saying, "Yes?" but not sounding sure at all.

"There is no way that Yoongi would ever hurt Y/n, he loves her more than anything," Namjoon says, putting a hand on Jin's back again as Jin turns to look him in the eyes. "Sometimes, it's the people we love that we hurt the most," Jin say's smoothly, blinking on the words 'love' and 'hurt'. Namjoon just stares blankly at him, not saying anything. You feel so confused, did Y/n run away? Did she run away because you were hurting her? But she looked so happy on the video from this afternoon, what was happening?

Then, another knock came from the front door, startling you out of your hazy thoughts. "That will be my detective, will you let him in please, Joonie?" Jin asked, flashing Namjoon a brilliant smile. "Of course, just a second," Namjoon answered quickly, grinning back at him before standing up and going back to the door. He returns to the living room with a guy, around your height, with hair the color of an autumn leaf and milky pale skin. He is smiling slightly as he walks quickly behind Namjoon, before saying in a surprisingly deep voice, "Hello there, my name is Byun Baekhyun, Jin told me you needed a detective?"

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