Chapter 12

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Tuesday, The Mansion, 4:30 pm, Your POV:

- The 8 of you were standing in the entry hall, waiting for Jin's family to arrive. They should be here any minute, and the anticipation had all of you on edge. Well, all of you meaning the four of you who were new.

- You were standing in between Yoongi and Hoseok, Namjoon on Yoongi's other side, and all of you were listening closely for the sound of an approaching car. Jungkook had given you black pants and a black silk blouse that he had bought for you earlier, and Taehyung and Jimin had fixed up the others.

- Taehyung had given Hoseok stunning dark hair and let him borrow black jeans and a shiny black shirt, with a little black studded jacket and matching belt. Jimin dressed Yoongi in a white shirt and black and white jacket with a thick choker, and Namjoon had shifted into a low cut black shirt and had olive colored hair and hazel eyes.

- You glanced at Hoseok momentarily, getting a little distracted by how beautiful he was, and he looked down at you with a smirk and winked. You chuckled softly, just as you finally heard the sound of a car outside.

- All of you looked towards the door, and Jin let go of Namjoon's hand as he walked over and opened it, saying happily, "You're here!" You watched four startling looking men get out of a very fancy black car, and all were smiling as they walked up the front steps.

- One of them, a tall boy with black hair and very pale skin who had a jacket with pearls hanging on the collar and a black choker, speed-walked up to Jin and grinned as he pulled him into a hug.

- He was closely followed by a boy in a similar looking jacket, covered in pearls and very low cut, with a small waist and a beautiful tan. "Jinnie! It's so good to see you!" the first boy said happily, breaking their hug and taking the second boys hand.

- Jin beamed and gave the second boy a one-armed hug, replying, "Hi Sehuna! I've missed you! And you too, Jongin," as the other two boys walked up to the door. One was very tall, in an elegant long black coat, and the other was around Yoongi's height, with blue eyes and silver hair that gleamed in the afternoon light.

- Jin pulled them all inside, shutting the door behind them before turning to face you and introducing them. "Everyone, this is my little brother, Sehun, and his mate Jongin," he said happily, pointing the two boys in pearls.

- "And this is my cousin Chanyeol," he pointed to the very tall one, "And his mate, Baekhyun. I believe he looked a bit different when you met him before," he finished, gesturing to the silver haired boy.

- All of them were smiling at you, and they seemed nice enough, but you were still uneasy. Looks could be deceiving after all. "Baek!" Taehyung exclaimed happily, and the silver haired boy grinned as he hugged Taehyung tightly.

- Jimin ran and hugged, his name was Jongin if you remembered correctly, but Jungkook just smiled at them. "Now, you have to be properly introduced to our new friends!" Jin said, grinning at his brother and then looking over at the four of you.

- "This is Namjoon, my mate," he blushed a little, but continued, "That's Yoongi, Jimin's mate, this is Jungkook and Taehyung's... friend, Y/n, and her mate, Hoseok." You narrowed your eyes at him for a second, but then gave the four of them a brilliant smile.

4:45 pm, Jungkook's POV:

- As soon as Y/n smiled, all four of them froze. She already looked gorgeous in the outfit you'd bought for her, and she had pulled her hair up into a loose knot at the back of her head, but that smile...

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