Chapter 5

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Saturday, The Club, 9:00 pm, Yoongi's POV:

Jimin hasn't left your side all night, aside from like two minutes he spent talking to Jin, and even then, he kept looking over at you and smiling. You are completely fascinated by him, every time he moves it's like he's dancing. You have a hand around his waist as the two of you walk towards the bar. "There you all are! Meet my new friend, Yoongi!" he says all of a sudden, and you watch his face light up in a radiant smile. You almost trip, since you aren't looking where you are going, but he just looks back at you and laughs before pulling you over to where Namjoon and his cousins are standing. He turns, pressing himself against you a bit and drapes both arms around your neck, before looking back and introducing them.

"This is Taehyung," he says, his lovely voice ringing in your ears as he points to the blonde boy, who is just as beautiful as him, but in a more angelic way. "This is Jungkook," he continues, motioning one hand gracefully to the other boy with dark hair. He looks like Jin's little brother, "And this is his sister, Jisoo," he finished, looking over at the girl who looks like Y/n. "Nice to meet you," both boys say in unison before turning their attention back to the girl. You watch as the dark boy, Jungkook says, "Sip, sweetheart," in a weirdly demanding voice, and the girl immediately finishes about half of the drink in his hand, before he takes it away. The blonde boy is holding her tightly, and her she looks very upset.

"Sweetheart is a weird thing to call your sister..." you say, trailing off as you pull Jimin against you a bit tighter. They have a very weird sibling relationship. And why is he forcing her to drink? "They are very close," Jin says from next to you, his voice clearly audible, despite the music. "I can see that..." you answer, exchanging confused glances with Namjoon. The girl looks at you and tries to wriggle out of the blonde boy's arms, but he holds her tighter. "Why don't you let go of her, dude?" you say, getting a bit irritated at the way they are acting.

For some reason, the boy glares over at Jin before looking up at the ceiling and replying, "She has social anxiety." His deep voice catches you by surprise, you would think a person who looked like that would sound feminine, but his voice just makes him even more attractive. You shake your head, trying to stop thinking about it, and say coldly, "What does that have to do with the fact that you're almost suffocating her?" There's really no need for you to get involved, but seeing guys take advantage of women like this has always made you angry, it's one of the things that Y/n loved most about you.

Fuck! Y/n is missing! And this girl looks just like her! Well, she looks just like Y/n if she had a growth spurt and got a makeover, but still! "Just stay out of it," the dark-haired boy, who is apparently her fucking brother, said to you in a cold voice. Jimin just told you their names but you can't remember. You let go of his waist and take one step forward, suddenly overwhelmed with the need to help this girl, she is staring at you and looking so upset, and the blonde one still won't let go of her. As soon as you take another step, Jimin is in front of you, smiling and laying his hands on your chest. "Now, boys, play nicely. Jisoo just gets a little uncomfortable around new people sometimes. Why doesn't she have another drink and then Taehyung can take her to dance a little?" he says in a gentle voice, looking into your eyes and making you lose focus again.

You hear the dark boy say "Sip," again from behind Jimin, but you aren't paying attention anymore. You don't take your eyes off Jimin's face as you put your hands on his waist again, and he leans in and brushes his lips lightly against yours. It feels like you just got struck by lightning, and there is an electric current running between the two of you, it's like nothing you have ever felt before in your entire life.

Time skip: The Club, 9:15 pm, Your POV:

You watch as Jimin leans in and kisses Yoongi, your Yoongi, and Yoongi kisses him back! How can this be happening! You can't watch this happen, it hurts too much. You stop fighting and immediately start to cry, turning in Taehyungs arms and burying your face against his chest. He tries to rub your back to relax you, but in a flash, Jin is very close to you, holding your chin firmly in one hand so you are looking into his eyes. "Stop crying, go with Taehyung, somewhere alone. You may speak once no one but he is able to here you," he says in his most soothing voice, blinking on the words 'stop', 'Taehyung', 'alone', and 'speak'.

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