Chapter 6

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Saturday, The Club, 10:30 pm, Yoongi's POV:

You had been looking for Jin's weird cousins ever since the blonde one dragged the pretty girl away. The way Jin had grabbed her had infuriated you, you didn't even think before you tried to hit him, it was just instinct. But Jimin and Namjoon had both stopped you, and then Jin had put his hand on your cheek for some reason, and he said something you couldn't remember. But something about his voice and his face, and then next thing you know you are kissing him! The whole thing was fucked up.

Jimin had just laughed at you, but Namjoon had gotten so angry. He had shouted at you and then shouted at Jin, walking off somewhere before Jin ran after him. But you weren't bothered about them right now, you needed to find the cousins. You had checked with the bouncers and they hadn't left the party, so they must be here somewhere.

The only other place you thought they might be was in the dressing room, but you didn't know why they would be in there. You quickly walked down the hall and opened the door. The two boy cousins were there, but the girl... the girl was... "Y/n!?" you shouted and started to run towards her but froze when you saw what the boys were doing. They both looked up at you, baring their teeth at you and snarling, Y/n... why was she only in a bra and underwear... and why did she have BLOOD ON HER NECK?! You looked quickly back and forth between the two boys, they both had a little blood on their lips, and they were holding Y/n tightly, as if they didn't want you to come near her.

"Get the fuck away from her! You're hurting her! Stop!" you shout at them, unfreezing and going to kneel beside Y/n. But the second you touch her hand, the blonde one pulls her about 6 feet across the room, and the dark one flips you onto your back and pins you to the floor, growling softly. It happened so fast your breath caught in your throat from being moved so quickly. "Yoonie, help me..." you hear Y/n say faintly from the other side of the room. She sounds so weak, it makes your heart ache. "Baby, I'm trying," you say quickly, turning your head in her direction, before glaring up at the dark-haired boy and hissing, "What the fuck did you do to her? How did you get her?"

He just snarls and bares his teeth at you again, but out of nowhere, Jin and Jimin appear in the room. "Jungkook, let him go. Now!" you hear Jin say from above you, but the boy doesn't listen and just snarls again. "He tried to touch her," a deep voice says from over by where Y/n is, it must be the blonde boy. "She was his toy first, now give her back!" Jin says in an impatient voice. "She's not a fucking toy, you asshole!" you shout at him, just as the boy on top of you growls, "No, she's ours." You hear Jin sigh before repeating, "Now!"

That's when Namjoon and Hobi walk into the room, catching all of you by surprise as Hobi says, "We heard Yoongi shouting... what the fuck is going on?!" Jimin pins him against the wall, just as Jin spins around and cups Namjoon's cheeks, saying in a soft voice, "Don't worry baby, everything's fine." "Everything is NOT FINE!" you shout at them, "The weird cousins have Y/n and were hurting her, look, she's bleeding, the blonde one has her!" You see Namjoon look away from Jin and he looks shocked as he exclaims, "Y/n?! Taehyung! Let go of her! What the hell did you do to her?!"

"Yoonie, baby... try not to forget me... I love you so much," you hear Y/n say, her voice sounds like it's getting weaker. "I'll never forget you baby girl, I love you with all my heart," you reply, making sure she can hear you as you struggle to get the dark boy off of you. "Jungkook, if you don't let him go, I swear to god I will kill her myself," you hear Jin say from above you, and the dark boy finally backs away from you, "Taehyung give her to him, my threat still stands," Jin hisses as you quickly get up and run to Y/n. The blonde one reluctantly sets Y/n on her feet, her legs look so unsteady, you wrap your arms around her immediately and hold her tightly. You don't think you have ever felt this relieved before. She buries her face against your chest and you hear her crying softly.

Bloodlust: Vkook x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang