Chapter 7

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Monday, Your house, 6:30 pm, Your POV:

You were completely recovered from whatever had happened to you in the two days you had been missing, physically recovered that is. You still had no idea where you had been or what had happened. You were lying on your bed, having just woken up from a nap, and you heard familiar footsteps outside. There was a soft knock on the door, and Yoongi peaked his head in, smiling at you.

"Hey baby girl, just checking to see if you are still up for coming to dinner with us to meet Jin's family," he said in a soft voice, walking in and coming to sit on the side of the bed. You smiled a bit sleepily and stretched but sat up and rested your head on his chest, looking up at him as you replied, "Of course, I just have to change clothes really quick. Is that what you're wearing, or do you want me to pick something for you?"

He chuckled and said, "No, help please! But I'm glad you're coming, I didn't want to leave you here alone." You lifted your head and kissed him gently, running a hand through his thick, soft hair. He kissed you back, but pulled away after a few seconds and said softly, "We gotta get ready, baby girl." You sighed but poked his nose playfully and hopped off the bed, walking over to the closet to change.

Time skip: The Mansion, 7:15 pm, Jungkook's POV:

Y/n, Yoongi, and the other two had just arrived outside the mansion, you could hear their heart beats from where you stood in the entry hall with Taehyung. Jin and Jimin appeared at the top of the stairs, and Jin asked in a slightly anxious voice, "Are we all clear on the plan?" You and Taehyung nodded, just as the doorbell rang. In a flash, Jimin was at the door, opening it with an innocent smile on his face. "Hi there! You must be Namjoon and his friends! Please, come in! I'm Jimin," he said in a cheerful voice, ushering the four of them inside.

Your eyes instantly locked on Y/n. She was holding on to Yoongi's arm, but he was watching Jimin closely and had a glazed look on his face. Maybe he really was Jimin's mate. The other human that you had never actually been introduced too, Hoseok, made you slightly uneasy. He was looking around the house, but his eyes kept flicking over to Y/n every few seconds. Taehyung let out a growl so low that the humans most likely couldn't hear it, he had obviously noticed this odd behavior as well. Jin reached the bottom of the stairs and walked over to them, taking Namjoon's outstretched hand and saying happily, "It's lovely to see all of you again! And you must be Y/n, my name is Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin."

He gave Y/n a very bright smile, and she just did an adorable little wave that made you want to yank he off Yoongi at full speed, but you held still. You kept an eye on Hoseok, who gave her a look so similar to how you felt, that you had to actively stop yourself from growling at him. You and Taehyung were still standing by the staircase as Jin said, "These are our cousins, Jungkook and Taehyung, come introduce yourselves." Taehyung walked forward gracefully, and you matched his pace a step behind until both you were standing next to Jimin.

"My name is Taehyung," Taehyung purred, making his voice like honey as he put a hand on his hip and smirked at Hoseok. Yeah, he had definitely noticed. Hoseok just stared at him and gulped. You took a step forward and said, "Hello there, I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you," and put your hands in your pockets to stop yourself from touching Taehyung. "This is Joonie, obviously, and these are his business partners Hoseok and Yoongi, and Yoongi's lovely girlfriend, Y/n," Jin said as he pointed to each of them in turn. Yoongi was still staring at Jimin, but Hoseok seemed to snap out of it and looked away from Taehyung to glance at Y/n.

"Nice to meet you all! You have a gorgeous house Jinnie!" Namjoon said, giving Jin a smile and making him blush. "Thank you haha, and now that the introductions are out of the way, let's start dinner, shall we?" Jin replied with a little giggle and lead the way to the dining room. Jimin followed right behind him, but you and Taehyung let the humans go first so you could continue watching them. Yoongi walked after Jimin like he was in a trance and just pulled Y/n along, and you saw Hoseok give him an irritated look before walking on her other side.

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