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Mason Maloney

I felt like shit.

I rolled out of bed, coughing mucus up from my throat. My nose was running from congestion so I quickly grabbed a tissue to blow it. Once I had finished my coughing fit, I went to the bathroom and almost winced at my reflection.

I looked like shit.

The tip of my nose was an irritated red color while the rest of my face was pale besides the dark bags under my eyes. My hair was messy, sticking up in different directions and my eyes seemed dull.

It was probably in my best interest to stay home from school, but I knew I wouldn't. It was more of a hassle for me to miss school and have to make up work than it was to just go and stay on track. I could make it through the day and then I could just make Sam do everything for me at work.

I would be fine.


"Holy shit, you look awful," Nathan commented as he walked into the bathroom.

I scowled at him before turning my head into the crook of my elbow to let out a throaty cough. He winced at the raspy sound and turned to lift the toilet seat to take a leak right in front of me. I groaned and turned away, turning on the sink to throw some water on my face.

"I look awful because I had to walk home from work last night in the rain," I croaked out, resting my hands on both sides of the sink.

Nathan's eyes widened as he finished at the toilet and turned to look at me. He zipped his pants and walked over to where I stood at the sink.

"Shit," he let out with a sigh. "Mason, I'm sorry." Nathan shook his head in shame.

I moved away from the sink so that he could wash his hands. An involuntary sneeze sprung up on me, causing an ache in my chest. Nathan winced as I put my hand on my throbbing chest.

"Whatever," I said in a stuffed up voice, now only being able to breathe through my mouth.

"I totally forgot," Nathan replied in an almost pleading tone, like he was begging for my forgiveness.

"How could you forget something you're supposed to do every day?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

It seemed like we had this conversation all too often.

Nathan smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "I'm forgetful."

I just shook my head and left the room.


"Are you sure you should be at school?" Ross asked in a grossed out tone.

All of my friends decided they would sit across the table from me at lunch so they wouldn't catch my cold. I was sitting at the table with my head in my hands, eating my mozzarella sticks every so often. I was actually beginning to feel better. My illness felt more like a cold than anything else and my sneezing and coughing had died down quite a bit.

"I'm fine," I told him, looking up to see three pairs of eyes staring at me.

"You could have called one of us to pick you up," Ross pointed out seriously.

The thought had occurred to me, but I was hell bent on defying Sam that I decided to suffer through the cold walk home.

"Not me," Pete interjected. "I passed out so early last night."

Bella shook her head at Pete then turned to me. "Why didn't you just get a ride from Sam?"

I shrugged, letting out a light cough. "We don't get along."

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