Bonus | 03

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September, Freshman year of college

Jake Johnson

"Are you coming out with us or what, Nate?" I asked with a frustrated groan, looking toward my roommate who sat his ass on the couch.

Getting used to being around Tony and Nate proved to be difficult because one of them was very clearly harder to deal with, though I was sure he felt the same about me. Nate was a complicated guy, I had come to find out. He liked his space and didn't want to be bothered. It was hard to imagine how the guy even had friends, but he was somehow quite popular among the students here.

"I already said no," Nate replied, mindlessly flipping through the channels. "I don't need to be getting in trouble the first week of school. Neither do you."

I rolled my eyes. "Then come with us to make sure we don't do anything stupid."

"I'm not usually one to peer pressure, but you should come, Nathan," Tony added from the doorway. "So we can experience our first college party together."

Nate glanced at Tony before letting out an exaggerated sigh and heaving himself off the couch.

"Where even is this party?" Nate asked, grabbing his keys off the table and making his way toward us.

"At one of the frats a little ways off campus," Tony answered, opening the door for us to follow him through.

"Which one?"

"Kappa Lappa Delta Ligma Pie or something like that," I told him with a shrug. "I don't know Greek."

Tony rolled his eyes. "It's Kappa Sigma."

"Who cares?" I asked as we made our way to the parking lot and into Nate's car. "Frats are dumb anyway. The only good thing about them is the parties."

"Really? I was thinking about rushing one," Tony said from the passenger's seat, giving Nate directions on how to get to the house.

"I wouldn't do it man," I told him, stretching out in the backseat. "I'm pretty sure they give all the newbies butt buddies."

Nate scoffed and glared at me through the rear view mirror. "That's not true."

"I'm pretty sure it is," I said. "The hazing at these things is ridiculous. They might even give you two butt buddies."

I saw Nate roll his eyes in the rearview mirror.

Eventually we got to the party. Nate had to park the car down the street. He said he didn't want it parked near all the drunk idiots and I really couldn't blame him.

Once we were inside, Tony and I found the drinks while Nate followed behind us with a glare on his face as girls rubbed up against him through the crowd.

"Lighten up Nate," I yelled over the music, handing him a water I took from a cooler. "You might even have some fun!"

I was pretty wasted within two hours. I was never one who could hold my liquor, but that didn't matter to me. Getting completely trashed at my first college party was exactly what I set out to do.

Stumbling through the living room and bobbing my head to the loud music, I bumped into someone's back. My head met the dude's shoulder blade, but I barely felt it.

"You okay? the guy asked turning around to face me.

The alcohol must have really gotten to me because I couldn't tear my eyes away from this guy's plump lips. His bottom lip was pouty like it was begging me to take it between my teeth. The alcohol really wasn't doing me any favors at that moment. I finally tore my eyes away from his lips to look at the rest of his face.

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