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Mason Maloney

"So I walked in on them about to have–"

"Okay, Christo," Sam interrupted him with a stern expression. "Enough."

Ross threw his head back in laughter at Christo's story, sending me an amused glance.

"I'm sure Ross wants to know," Christo replied with raised eyebrows, looking toward Ross for confirmation.

"No, I'm good," Ross chuckled, lightly shaking his head.

Christo sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know if he's cut out to be in our group."

"Our group?" I asked him with an incredulous stare.

"Are there requirements or something?" Ross laughed.

"No, he's just dramatic, but I'm sure you figured that one out already," Sam replied.

"Rude," Christo muttered.

"He's not the most dramatic person in my life, believe me," Ross assured him.

"Thank you, Ross!" Christo exclaimed, springing up from his seat on the floor to sit beside Ross on the couch. "You can be my new best friend instead of Sam."

"That's fine with me," Sam told him, slinging his arm around my shoulder as he changed the channel on the TV. 

"You're not stealing my best friend," I told Christo with an eye roll.

He scowled at me, leaning over Ross to get closer to my face.

"Why not?" Christo asked. "You stole mine."

"No need to fight over me," Ross interjected with an arrogant smirk, pushing Christo lightly to sit him back down.

Ross and I left Sam's house around ten. Sam was a little disappointed that I wasn't going to be staying at his house for the night, but he had gotten a call from some of his other friends that wanted to hang out with him and Christo.

"You and Sam seem good together," Ross told me as he pulled away from the house.

"You think so?" I asked with a bashful smile. I felt so feminine for being so giddy about Sam, but I couldn't help it. He really brought that out in me like no one else had before.

Ross's mouth quirked up on one side in a slight smile, turning to look at me briefly before putting his eyes back on the road.

"Yeah," Ross agreed. "You guys seem really into each other. Well, not like into–"

I let out a loud laugh, throwing my head back on the headrest, at Ross's accidental innuendo. When I looked over at him, we shared a look of amusement at his words.

"I can assure you, we're both," I said jokingly, though it wasn't actually a joke. It was true.

Ross's face contorted into a brief look of faux disgust before turning back to a look of amusement.

"So you guys, like, you have... sex?" he asked awkwardly, his lips pressed together in a thin line. I couldn't help but laugh at him again.

"That's what two people, who are dating, do," I responded sarcastically, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Okay, true," Ross replied. "I guess I just never thought about it."

My face transitioned into a strange look. "I would prefer you not to think about my sex life."

Ross cackled, shaking his head. "I definitely don't. That's not what I meant."

"That's what it sounded like," I mumbled with a breathy chuckle, my eyebrows raised in question.

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