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Thank you so much for all of your questions! For questions that I got asked more than once, I answered them at the bottom


Q: how do you keep the motivation to write?

A: I don't really do a specific thing to motivate me. Sometimes I don't feel motivated at all and then all of a sudden I'll get an idea and write it down. I think it helps to plan the plot out ahead of time. I find that if I know how the story is going to end when I start writing it, it's much easier to keep writing. It's a lot harder to feel motivated when you don't know what's going to happen. Last year at school when I was writing it, I used to go buy myself a burrito and an iced coffee and then sit at my desk and write for a little while and looked forward to that so that kept me motivated!

Q: If they have kids, what kind of parents would sam and mason be?

A: I think Mason would be a loving, yet worrisome parent. I think he would be the more "maternal" one for lack of better word, while Sam would be more chill, yet fiercely protective.


Q: Which writers inspire you the most? And did their books make an impact on Knight?

A: A lot of my ideas are actually inspired by songs/narratives in songs rather than books. I do a lot of reading on here to help me with my writing style, but I don't typically take plot inspiration from other books. It's hard for me to even pinpoint specific writers because my writing style is developed from every piece of literature I've ever read. I'm sure some things I've read have unconsciously made an impact on Knight though.


Q: Are you single? Is that even a valid question?

A: Yes to both!


Q: How do you deal with writer's block/not knowing where to go with the book?

A: When I have writer's block, I find the best way to get out of it is to do some reading and step out of the world you're trying to write for a little while. When you just stare at your blank page, it just tends to get frustrating. So I will either go read something, write something else that I DON'T have writer's block for (I literally have so many things in my drafts that I've written that I'll probably never finish because it was just one spark of inspiration). It's best to just stop thinking so hard about what you're trying to write. Try writing in a different place than you usually do. One of my favorite pieces of advice I've gotten about writer's block is to write something that you will almost definitely take out of the story, like kill the main character, write a scene from someone else's point of view, or something so bizarre that it just gets your creativity flowing.


Q: What does Mason/ Sam like about each other?

A: I think Mason likes Sam's confidence and the way he makes him feel. The confidence Sam has rubs off on Mason and I think it makes him feel more assured/better about himself. He feels comfortable and safe with Sam. I think he also likes Sam's passion. Sam likes seeing Mason come out of his shell more. He likes fully being able to be himself around him and likes that Mason helps bring out his confidence.

Q: Whose top and bottom?

A: They talk about this in Chapter 24. Mason bottoms.

Q: How did Jake realize his sexuality?

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