The Sleepover

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One night, Alison invited the girls to have a sleepover at her house as they both have a great time with each other.

"Ali did your mom buy you the new Britney Spears album?" said Hanna. Ali groaned and said, "No, not yet and she hasn't even bought the tickets yet either. "Im loving her new video. I watched it a million times" said Emily "Wont it drive you crazy?" said Alison. The girls laughed.

"Hey guys, let's play a game." Ali said as she hands the girls each of her dolls. "Let's play Secret and Tell." 

"I never heard of that game." said Aria. "How do you play it?" Spencer said. Alison explain the rules of the game. "You grab your dolls and tell your secrets to it."

"Spencer you go first and tell us your secret." she said. "Okay." Spencer said as she about to tell the girls her secret. "One time, I put bugs in my sisters room and she ran out crying." The girls laugh.

"Oh my god, Spencer you are bad." said Emily. "That was so cruel." Aria said.

"You should've seen her face, though. haha" Spencer laughed.

"Alright." Alison laughed. "Hanna you're next."

"Okay. Umm. I once peed on the kitchen floor and I blame it on my cat."

"Eww." as the girls looked disgusted.

"Hanna, that's gross." Emily said. 

"I know it." Hanna said embarrassedly.

"Aria, you're up." Ali said.

"Um.." she explained. "One time I heard my dad with someone on the phone and he was talking to the person like he was talking to my mom and wasn't my mom."

The girls look at each other silently after hearing her secret.

"Okay.. next." Alison said as it was Emily turn to tell them her secret.

"I have a crush on a girl." Emily said.

"That silly." Hanna said as Ali smiled at Emily.

"Hey Ali, what's your secret?" Spencer said. 

As soon as she was going to reveal her secret her mother barged in and tell them it was time to go to bed.

"Hey girls its time for beddy byes." Jessica said

"Come on, mom its Friday." Alison said.

"It's way past your bed time." she said. "Now lights out."

The girls start getting into their sleeping bags.

"Hey Emily, do you wanna sleep with me?" Alison said. "Um.. sure." Emily said.

Emily climbs in bed with Alison as sound as they were about to go to sleep Emily whisper, "Hey Ali what was your secret?" 

Alison smiled at her and said, "You'll find out soon. She gave her a peck kiss on her forehead and turn off the lights.

In the middle of the night, it started to thunder and rain cats and dogs. The thunder woke up Emily and finds out that Alison is gone.

"Guys." she whispered. "Wake up." as the girls woke up they also notice that Ali was gone.

"Where's Ali?" said Hanna. "I don't know." said Aria.

The girls got out of bed, grab their flashlights and start walking in the hallway looking for Alison.

"Guys, what if she just went into the bathroom." Spencer said. The girls jumped of fright as the loud thunder roared. 

They heard noise in the bathroom and the door open halfway, they both walk slowly as the noise got louder and Aria the bathroom all the way, but it was dark and no one was in there.

"Guys she not in her." Hanna. Then Spencer said, "Well where is.." Ali jumped out of the room behind them and said "Gotcha!" along with the loud thunder.

"Ahhh!!" The girls screamed.

Ali laughed at them being frightened. 

"That's not funny Ali." Spencer. "I gotcha good did I." Alison laughed. The rest of the girls both laughed along with her.

"Yeah that was a good scare." Hanna said.

Suddenly, the hallway light came on and it was Jessica who heard the girls scream. 

"Girls! Its the middle of the night!  What are y'all doing up?"

The girls ran back to Ali room shut the door and went back to sleep.

On September 1 2009, a fifteen year old girl named Alison DiLaurentis has been reported missing in Rosewood Pennsylvania. She  was last seen with her friends Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, and Spencer Hastings, the daughter of the Senator Veronica.

"We were all having a party at the barn, and once we woke up she was gone." Spencer said while being interviewed on the news.

"I just hoped my daughter is safe and pray that she'll be found." said Jessica.

On 2010, a year later of today of her disappearance, the body of the missing 15 year old girl Alison DiLaurentis has been found buried in the backyard of her house. According to the autopsy, she died while suffering a blow to the head and suffocating to death, with dirt being found in her lungs. She was obviously buried alive. This is a grim day in Rosewood.

In 2014, the girl who was suppose to be assumed dead is alive. It turns out that Alison DiLaurentis is found alive. Here we are at Town Hall were Alison is doing a press conference on how she's alive.

"The reason why I faked my death is because I was hiding from someone. Someone wanted to kill me." Alison said to the press in Town Hall. "This person kidnapped me and held me hostage for two years." Ali cries after she explained her horrific situation with A.

On March 2015, Alison DiLaurentis has been found guilty of murder in the first degree.

On March 2015, Alison DiLaurentis has been found guilty of murder in the first degree

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Alison has been release from jail after her friends were being framed and kidnapped. Will this young woman ever get peace? I'm Loren Baker with Rosewood 97 News.

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