Chapter Two: Meeting New gods and voidgos

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Percy: Where am I? this isn't Tartuas.
Aslan: I Percy Jackson am the god of Narnia and the son of Rhea.
Percy: Where are we?
Aslan: I stoped time to blood bless you and a couple of different gods as well!
Aslan: I blood bless Percy with my powers and the ability once he escaped Tartuas to travel to Narnia and his world back and forth unxlimitely.
Percy; Thanks Aslan.
Aslan: Your welcome Percy.
Your powers are: able to teleport to Narnia able to speak the language I used to create Narnia
and able to have a lion shifter form and have all the knowledge of the world of Narnia.
Percy: Thank you Aslan
Aslan: Your welcome child of pure heart.
Talon: I Talon forgotten Greek god of knights, honor, glory, victory, hunting, weapons, magic, Knowledge, Truthful, Justice, Order, Battles, Rewards, Punishments, Law, Luck, Smithing, Master Swordsmanship, Legacy Power's, Hero's, Loyalty, Oaths, Quests, Codes, Titles, Blessings
Blood Bless Percy Jackson with my powers and powers of my children.
I Talon Roman god of: Knights, Loyalty, Destruction, Quest's, Order, Truthful, Wisdom, Knowledge, Magic, Alchemy, Necromancy, Visions, Prophecies, Calvyfince, Legacy Powers, Dark Arts, Conjuration, Enchanting, Mysticism, Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, Wealth, Dead, Death, Domains,
Blood bless you Percy Jackson
Meroborn: I Meroborn voidgod blood bless you Percy Jackson.
Michael: I michael god of magic, blind and many more domains blood bless your Percy Jackson.
All Pantheons major gods and minor gods blood bless Percy Jackson.
I Jack Frost Titangod of Frost, Water, Ice, Waves, Water Magic, Snowing, Raining, Snowballs, Ice Creating, Snow Creating, Water Creating, Blood Magic, Mist Travel,
Ice Travel, Lake's, Ocean's, Sea's,
Blood bless Percy Jackson
I Kamarain Titan-God of: Vampires, Magic, Blood blessings, Power's, Werewolves, Monster's, Death, Lion Shifter's, Leopard Shifters, Dragon Shifter's, Fox Shifter's, Tiger Shifter's, Witch's/Wizzard's, Ghost's,
Spirits, Wraiths, Drugar, Skeletons, The Supernatural, All Shifters,
Blood bless Percy Jackson
I Spideruses Titanesses and goddess of Spiders, Webs, Climbing, Spider Abilities, Spider Balance, Spider Sense, Color Red, Color Blue, Spider Reflex, Spider Strength, Spider Teleportation, all knowledge, Spider Silk, Weaving, Crafts, Pottery, Spider Speed, Spider Communication, Spider-shifters
Blood bless Percy Jackson
I Tommy June's god of studying learning, knowledge, books, literatures, languages, defense skills, speeches, memorizing, crossbows, katanas, writing, survival skills,
Blood bless Percy Jackson
I Achilles god of honor, glory, lighting, weather, water, lakes, Oaths, visions, handsomeness
Blood bless Percy Jackson
Original Jason god of trickery, electricity, thunder, clouds, battles, handsomeness, lighting-bolts
Blood bless Percy Jackson
Orion god of water, lakes, water animals, water magic, Frost, blizzards, snowing, winter, breathing underwater,
I Aeitater and I Forcicain blood bless Percy Jackson
We The nine Divines ( Mara, Talos, Julianos, Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Stendarr, Zenithar, Kynareth blood bless you Percy Jackson we also give you the forms of a Breton, High Elf, Dwarf, Snow Elf, Imperial, Dark Elf, Argonian,
Wood Elf, Khajiit, Nord, Orsimer, Redguard,
Everyone good luck Percy

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