Chapter One

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Cassandra's sister, Alexandra, sat across from her, petulance writ into her every feature as she watched Cassandra pack her trunk.

"I simply don't understand why I may not go!" Alexandra exclaimed, her blue eyes filled with childish rage, "I am seventeen years old and every other girl I know is to have a season in London now."

"That is something you must discuss with Nate." Cassandra said firmly, "You know that he does not think filling a seventeen year old girl's mind with thoughts of marriage is right, which is exactly why he did not want either of us in society till we were twenty. I complied gladly, and you'll soon learn that it is better."

"I really don't care for your talks of how I will understand everything once I am older. You're two and twenty and unmarried, and I am in no mind to marry right away. I just want to dance and drink more sherry than is proper, just like all the other girls are doing!"

"I am sorry, Allie." Cassandra apologised, not truly meaning it. She knew her sister well, and knew of her tendency to be caught up in what everyone else was doing. Every other young lady was out hunting for a husband, which Alexandra was simply too young for. Cassandra agreed whole-heartedly with her brother on this matter. "But I cannot help it."

Alexandra groaned in frustration and collapsed on Cassandra's bed. Amelia, Cassandra's lady's maid, appeared startled as she entered the room at that very moment, her senses assailed by Alexandra's antics.

"Milady, is there anything else I might assist you with?" Amelia had learnt by now to ignore Alexandra's moods, and focused her attention on Cassandra instead. She had just returned to the bedchamber with her arms full of Cassandra's finer gowns.

"Just with finishing up this last bit of packing, Amelia." Cassandra smiled, choosing to follow Amelia's example and pay no mind to Alexandra, who was glaring exaggeratedly at her in pursuit of attention.

Amelia helped Cassandra pack the gowns that she had just brought in and an extra corset as well as some slippers. Finally, they had finished and Cassandra heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

"His Grace requested me to inform you, milady, that the carriage shall be ready within the half hour." Amelia said, referring to Alexandra and Cassandra's brother, Nathaniel, who was the Duke.

"Then, I suppose that will be all. You will be ready by then, won't you?" Cassandra said, and Amelia nodded, then curtsied. Before she could leave, Cassandra called after her, "Would you mind sending one of the footmen up to take the trunk to the carriage?"

"Of course, milady." Came the melodic reply. Cassandra truly did not know what she would do without Amelia.

"I suggest you get below the covers, then, Allie." Cassandra suggested, eyeing her sister. Since the trip to London would take a full week, Nate had suggested that they leave as early as possible. As a result, dawn had just broken and Alexandra was still in her night things. If the footmen saw her like that, it would be highly inappropriate.

Alexandra rolled her eyes, but obliged. Even she knew better than to argue when it came to things such as that.

Before either sister could say anything further to each other, however, the door to the bedchamber burst open and Nate entered in a hurry, his cravat out of place and his shirt only half buttoned.

Nate did not keep a valet, although it was custom, as he thought it odd and he believed he could dress himself. Then, things like this occurred and he was almost always late to something or the other.

"Are you ready?" He demanded frantically, his searching gaze focused on Cassandra.

"It is you who is always late, brother." Alexandra smiled, her good mood emerging as it always did when she teased their brother. Nate, of course, was so fond of his sisters that he tolerated even their most embarrassing jokes.

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