Chapter Nineteen

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Cassandra found herself at the docks bright and early on Monday morning to see Emily off. She could barely reign in her emotions as she waited for her dearest friend's carriage to arrive, hoping to surprise her.

When it finally did, only Emily disembarked. Her parents had not come to see her off. Cassandra could see the pain in her gaze as she glanced about the dockyard, searching for someone she knew.

Finally, her eyes landed on Cassandra and her eyes lit up as she grinned wider than Cassandra had ever seen her smile. She couldn't help but return her joy, even if it was mixed with a little sadness.

Emily motioned to the carriage driver to take her trunk to the ship she had booked passage on, the Red Raven, an American ship for she planned to visit America first. After that, she would see where the wind took, or so she had told Cassandra.

"I did not realise you would come." Emily confessed gleefully just as she reached Cassandra's side, embracing her as she did.

"How could I let you leave without saying goodbye to you? You're far too important to me, Em." Cassandra informed her, pulling her in for another hug.

"I shall miss you more than humanly possible." Emily promised, her eyes suddenly looking very watery indeed. Cassandra could feel tears rising to the surface of her eyes, but she was determined not to let them shed. She would be brave and she would wait for Emily to leave before crying. She would not let their parting be so sorrowful.

"And I shall miss you just as much." Cassandra grasped her hands between hers, "You must promise me that this won't be the last time we see each other."

"I promise." Emily said firmly, and Cassandra knew she meant it. "Just know this, we might be an ocean or two apart but you will always be my dearest friend in all the world."

"And you shall be mine." Cassandra affirmed, jumping as the ship's horn rang through the ear, so loud that she jumped when it assailed her ears. "Be safe and be brave, alright?"

"I will. And don't you dare forget me, Cassandra Whitlock, for I shall soon be back to annoy you at every turn." Emily threatened jokingly, making Cassandra giggle through the lump in her throat. Travel was dangerous, especially alone, and it was possible that this was the last time she'd ever see Emily again.

"As long as you promise not to forget me." She said thickly, before throwing her arms around Emily one last time.

"Remember, you deserve to be happy. If there's one thing I shall ever ask of you, it is this." Emily whispered into Cassandra's ear, reminding her of what she had said the other day.

"I will." She said, both determinedly and truthfully.

Finally, the two girls pulled apart and Emily headed for the ship with one last wave in Cassandra's direction from the gangway, one that she returned. It was only after the figures on the ship were too far to be discerned that Cassandra allowed the first tear to fall.

She waited and watched until the ship was nothing but a dot in the distance twenty full minutes later, tears falling swiftly down her cheeks the entire time.

It was a bittersweet parting if there ever was one. She was glad for Emily for having finally received what she'd wanted all these years, but she knew she'd miss her. Emily had been the first person outside her family that she'd known she could trust with her life. Until Kit, she'd thought all she'd have was her family.

She struggled to keep her cool as she returned to the carriage, her trembling hands scarcely letting the driver help her in. When she embarked, the first thing she saw was Nate's sympathetic gaze and open arms, both of which she collapsed into, her entire body shaking.

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