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Six Years Later

Cassandra ran her brush through her long, blonde hair as she sat at her dressing table before bed, dressed in only a simple white nightgown.

She didn't tie her hair after she'd finished, however, for her husband loved running his fingers through it and playing with it at night, saying it helped him sleep better.

It was a testament to how much she loved him because her hair would always be incredibly tangled the next morning, every single morning, because it was naturally rather curly. She didn't mind the extra effort, though, because every little sacrifice she made was worth it when she made it for him.

The six years they'd been married had been the best years of her life. Christopher Weston was, without a doubt, one of the three best things that had ever happened to her.

After he'd first proposed to her and she'd finally accepted, they'd decided to wait a few months before marrying. However, within a week after they'd all arrived at Somerhall, they chose to ignore this decision and wed a mere two weeks later. The only people in attendance were each of their siblings, Christopher's niece and nephew, the Smithsons and a few people from the village. To the rest of London society, it was practically an elopement but they didn't mind. All they needed was one another to be happy.

Kit, honourable as he was, refused to accept her dowry and so it was put into trust for their future children.

Cassandra had thought that her wedding day was the best day of her life, but it turned out to be only one of them because, two years after they married, they were blessed with little Juliette Emily Weston and, a year after that, Henry Peter Weston.

Needless to say, their life together was already perfect. They argued and fought many times but, at the end of the day, they always came back to each other.

"Come to bed, love." Christopher said from their bed, patting the space beside him. "Juliette and Henry wore me out today and I'd like nothing better than to go to sleep with my beautiful wife in my arms."

"And who told you that it was a good idea to take two young children, one still a toddler, to the farms? It's no wonder they made you carry and chase them about all over the place." Cassandra laughed, but set her brush down anyway.

She stretched as she stood, loving how Christopher's gaze was immediately drawn to her figure at the action. She'd been so self-conscious about her body after bearing two children, but he'd quickly put her doubts to rest by proving to her that he still found her desirable. She hadn't fully lost her figure, but she'd still become a little rounder.

She sat beside him, covering herself with a thick quilt. He instantly pulled her to him, so that her head rested on his chest, and pressed a kiss to her hair and then her bare shoulder, where the sleeve of her nightgown had slipped.

"And what did you do all day?" He murmured, and she shifted until she could splay her arm across his broad chest. "Did you enjoy the peace and quiet?"

"I read and played the pianoforte for hours. It was the calmest day I've had in so long." She confessed, playing with the sparse, dark hairs on his torso. This was something they did every day, talk before bed. Most of the time, they just told each other about their days and other times they discussed anything under the sun from the weather to politics. It was an essential part of their routine that they never missed.

"Do you want me to take the children off your hands like this once a week from now on?" Kit asked seriously, "You deserve a break."

Cassandra had refused to let her children be raised by a nanny or nurse. While she did allow the maids to help her now and then, she was insistent on doing most of the work herself. Kit was a very hands on father indeed and never shied away from any parenting tasks. However, he was away at the lands at least thrice a week and left early in the morning only to return late in the evenings, which meant that it was mostly Cassandra who cared for them on those days.

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