Chapter Eleven

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When Kit arrived at Cassandra's house on Saturday evening, wearing his coat and tails, he was nervous beyond a doubt. He had not come with Jane and Jasper for he had been hoping to catch Cassandra alone for a while and speak to her of his feelings. He had doubts, however, of how she would respond to such a thing. He could remember her brother saying something to him about her not wishing to marry.

He hoped it was not true.

He fidgeted as the door was opened by the same footman in crisp livery as last time, who bowed. "Good evening, milord. His Grace and Lady Cassandra are in the drawing room."

"Good evening." Kit said, hoping his anxiety hadn't bled into his tone. Nate was with Cassandra, which meant that he probably would not be able to spend any time alone with her. That was alright, he supposed, because he was a coward who would never be able to go through with professing anything to her.

He was led down the familiar path to the drawing room, where he was announced by the footman and let in. Cassandra and Lady Emily were sitting on the same settee while across from them stood Nate. Christopher hadn't known that Emily was also going to come, but he didn't mind at all- she was about as blunt as an unsharpened knife and always said what was on her mind, which was rather refreshing.

All three of them stood instantly, and Kit could see Nate glancing towards Emily every so often. Cassandra looked gorgeous in a cream gown that was cinched tightly at her small waist and was covered in lace. She wore a silver halo tiara dotted with diamonds and her hair was, surprisingly, loose.

Lady Emily looked lovely as well, but Kit did not have eyes for anyone but Cassandra for she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen in his six and twenty years of life. Besides, Nathaniel more than made up for Christopher by almost openly admiring Emily.

"Good evening, all." Christopher greeted, as he wrung Nate's hand. He kissed both Cassandra and Emily's knuckles, but his lips lingered for much longer on Cassandra's. She did not seem to notice, however, as her attention was elsewhere.

"It's been a while, Lord Hawthorne." Lady Emily observed, her eyes glinting as she glanced towards Cassandra quickly before the both of them sat. Christopher and Nate remained standing, and he groaned internally for this was the one thing he hated most about dinner parties. The men were expected to remain standing throughout and, after a point, his legs hurt.

"Yes, it has." He agreed, "How have you been, Lady Emily?"

"I've been better than ever." She said with a forced smile that made Cassandra's eyes narrow as she looked at her. All was clearly not well. "And, please, I am not fond of formality. I'd much prefer it if you would call me just Emily."

"Then I am Christopher to you." He said, inclining his head for a brief moment. Any further conversation was halted as the footman who had shown Kit in entered, bowing.

"Lord and Lady Salisbury have arrived, Your Grace." He said, addressing Nate.

"Show them in, Malcolm." Nate said, and Cassandra and Emily stood just as Jane and Jasper walked in, both wearing wide smiles.

After the initial introductions and pleasantries, all of them found themselves comfortable enough to talk amongst themselves rather normally, but Kit could not bring himself to listen to what anyone was saying, for his eyes and ears were trained only on the flaxen-haired beauty before him.

Her gaze met his suddenly, and she smiled. It was a friendly smile, not one that one would normally give someone they were courting, but it was enough.

There was something so evocative about that gesture in that moment that it made Christopher's entire world stop and stand still for the briefest of seconds. He was a horrendous poet, but she made him want to try his hand at writing poetry.

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