Chapter Nine

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Christopher shifted his weight from leg to leg as he stood outside the door to Cassandra's house two days after. There had been a ball the night before that he had not attended but he was sure she would have, and had decided to call closer to noon, to give both siblings some time to recover.

He'd also given the household some time to settle down after how late Cassandra had returned home the other day. Hopefully, her brother had not been too angry.

Finally, he gathered the courage to raise his hand to the brass, lion-head knocker and knocked twice sharply. It was a while before someone opened the door, revealing a footman.

"Good day." The footman greeted, bowing, "What business have you here today?"

"I'd like to visit with His Grace and Lady Cassandra." Kit informed him.

"Who might I tell them is calling?" He asked, and Christopher gave him his name and title. He led him to the parlour before disappearing through a servants' door to tell them of his visit.

He only had to remain standing alone for a little while, for Cassandra came swiftly to the room within ten minutes of his arrival. Her hair was in great disarray and her dress was creased, which told him that she'd just woken up. Kit hoped he hadn't disturbed her.

"Good morning," he said, "I do hope I haven't woken you?"

"I had been awake not two minutes when I'd heard you arrived." She smiled a sweet smile that he couldn't help but respond to. "But I have a bone to pick with you, Kit." She said suddenly, and that made him stand straighter.

"You weren't at Lord Werthersfield's ball last night, and I distinctly remember you telling me you'd been invited." Her eyes narrowed playfully and his heart unclenched, filling with joy. She'd wanted him to be there. Not for the first time, he wondered if his growing feelings for her were reciprocated.

"I humbly beg your apology." He joked, before bowing dramatically. Once he'd straightened, the reason for his visit came to him again and he said seriously, "I hope you didn't get into too much trouble the other day. I am so sorry for keeping you so long."

"My brother only insisted on teasing me after he'd learnt I was safe. He is not angry in the least and only expects me to take someone with me if I'm planning on staying out so long again or, if I don't wish a chaperone, to come home earlier. Please, don't apologise. We both know it's as much my fault as it is yours."

"Even so, I should have kept my eye on the time." He asserted, but his mind was focusing only on the fact that she'd said her brother was teasing her and the thought that there might be something for her to be teased about.

Cassandra looked to be about to say something, but was interrupted by the door opening and her brother entering. "Ah, Christopher, what brings you here today?" He gestured for Kit to sit down and he did, glad that he did not have to remain standing throughout.

"I was passing by and decided to call on you both." He lied, his eyes following Cassandra as she discreetly rang the bell and asked the maid for something in a low voice. He hoped it wasn't tea.

"Well, you're always welcome." She said warmly, and Kit couldn't help the way his heart beat in his chest, in some sort of fast, joyous jig.

"As long as my sister is home before sunset when she's out with just you, you're always welcome." Nathaniel amended his sister's statement, but his amusement was belied by his smile. He was not the sort of brother who would restrict Cassandra from doing something if she truly wished for it, and Kit could certainly respect that.

"Of course." He said, bowing his head slightly, "That won't happen again."

In truth, Kit was surprised that Cassandra had even told Nate that they'd been together that day. He would've thought that she'd hide it from him as most people he knew would. When Jane had first met Jasper, she hadn't told Kit a thing. Perhaps it was just because she was the older sibling, not he. It was only a year between them, however, so maybe Nate and Cassandra were just closer. His mind went to something she'd said at their impromptu picnic the other day, about Nate being something of an amalgamation between father, brother and friend.

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