Part 90

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Part 90


"Ry–rys!" Wrapping his arms around her body, Dragon was quick to embrace his mate as soon as she was in sight. Rys, of course, blushed at the contact he made. Feeling that kind of tingling sensation he was already accustomed to, Dragon softly sighed at her being so close to him and made himself comfortable with their close proximity. Rys cannot help but pat him in on his as she smiled at his actions. Her hands on his black hair; her green eyes slowly traveled to the young man behind Dragon.


          He had his gaze on them; almost expressed with hurt and sadness. Filled with longing. Noticing Rys's gaze, Bled wiped that look off as he gave her a soft smile. That smile... It did not make Rys feel assured that he is fine. It made her so much guilty for the misery she was causing them. With a frown, she shook her head. She stepped back then also had her eyes look at Pars.

          He wasn't looking too much happy.

          But Pars didn't say anything nor do anything. Well, maybe he did. But he only crossed his arms as he watched themm with a displeased gaze. "Ry-rys, I miss you a lot!" His arms reached out as if Dragon was attempting to hug her again; but the girl turned down his request. Yet she's still trying to be gentle as she did it as she didn't mean to hurt him.

Rys did know that that would be unfair for others. So no, she can't. Turning her attention to Bled, she softly sent him a smile. "Hi Bled. Dragon did not cause you too much troubles, did he? I am really sorry for asking this of you..." Bled's eyes lightened a bit as he slowly shook his head to reject her apology.

          "It's okay, Rys." His blue eyes was on Dragon for a second as he continued, "— Dragon, he isn't that bad as a company." Well the vampire wasn't lying about that. The strange creature, although, was too silent; he was paying attention to every words Bled said to him. Rys laughed as she she patted Dragon, happy that two of her mates didn't get into a fight with one another.

         "How about you, Dragon?" she asked. "What do you think of Bled?" The young dragon gazed back at Rys with curiosity. She was asking him of his opinion on Bled? He blinked his eyes and found himself thinking. The vampire. He is interesting. He is strange. And he also loves you Ry-Rys, he thought.

          Very much, he added in his thoughts. Gazing at Rys, his thought traveled back to a memory from last night. The vampire was telling him a lot of things. How they met. He did not even bother to lie as Bled told him honestly of his first thoughts of Rys. Bled hated her but not her— just the idea of having her as his mate. Then he told Dragon of his rejection. Of how Rys rejected him because he wanted her to. Of how Rys saved her from a werewolf. Everything— and everything until to the part he discovered that she had others as her mates too.

         Bled indeed look sad when he said that part. He told Dragon that he was mad. But not at her. At fate. Then he.. He was strange for advicing him such things. Although he had a lot of things in his mind, the young guy only blinked his turquoise eyes and said, "He talks too much."

Talks too much? Rys laughed.

"What did he say?" she asked Dragon. Bled's eyes widened when he saw the kid's nouth about to open. No, Bled won't let him say that to her. It's embarrassing! He, with red cheeks, rushed to Dragon and covered his mouth. "It's no—nothing!" Rys eyed him. A pout formed later to the dismay of Bled. It was one of his weaknessess. Hoping Rys won't pursue it more, Bled was relief when she didn't. Instead, she laughed.

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