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Welcome to Countdown to Brexit, an ongoing diary/narrative/blog project I hope to continue as the clock ticks down to 23.00 GMT on Friday March 29th, 2019; the moment the United Kingdom is due to leave the European Union.

If by some chance that paragraph made absolutely no sense to you; if the biggest schism in recent British political history has somehow passed you by, then I suggest reading my previous story on the subject - Arc of the Moon - might be a good place to get your bearings. https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/91184246-arc-of-the-moon

Consider this to be a placeholder while I write longer, more considered chapters, but by all means please get involved with comments or suggestions for Brexit related topics you'd like me to address. I can't promise to respond to everyone and everything, and given the uncertainty surrounding the process - not to mention the state of UK politics at the moment - I can't commit to update on a regular schedule; there may be occasions where you may get overloaded with a deluge of posts after a hiatus, that's the way events may transpire, but your thoughts as well as attention are welcome.

So join me and buckle up. It shouldn't be this way, but I think it could be a white knuckle ride.

The Brexit ChroniclesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum