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To say that moving was easy was an understatement

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To say that moving was easy was an understatement. Especially moving from a busy place like Brooklyn.

"Charlie, darling, can you put those boxes over there?" My mother pointed to a corner of the empty house that we were currently trying to move into at two in the morning. As soon as I put the box down, I trudged up the new stairs to the room at the very end of the hall. That location was always mine.

I collapsed onto the naked mattress that was on the floor and fell asleep for school the next day.


"Charlie! You're going to be late! Get up, I have toast for you." I heard my mother's voice trail from the bottom of the stairs. Crap.

I shot out of bed and rummaged through the box at the door that held my clothes and makeup. I ran to my bathroom and assembled my look for today which had skin-tight black leather pants, a plunging silk blue blouse and a golden belt. I slapped on my heeled black boots and fixed a blue flower into my curled hair. I finished with a maroon lip and a leather jacket.

I ran down the steps of the house, into the kitchen where my mom was cooking for herself and a probably hungover dad later. I grabbed the toast from the toaster and bit into it, holding in my mouth. I grabbed my books and raced for my car. I swallowed my toast and started my precious vehicle.

My dad got me the car to show the neighbors that he was a good dad. The only reason we moved from the east coast to the west is so that he could start off on a good foot. All of the folks back at home found out about my abusive situation. We left before they could do anything about it.

I threw my books in the passenger seat and opened my glove compartment when I reached a red light. I rummaged around for my pack of gum and opened it to pop a piece in my mouth. I readied my pack of cigarettes in the band of my belt. I blew my gum, creating a huge bubble, then it popped as soon as the light turned green. Chewing, I made my drive to the school.

When I saw the front of the school, I was surprised. It looked very nice for a public school. It had trimmed cyphers and bushes with exotic plants flowering and a white statue in the middle. I raised an eyebrow and set my leather jacket on top of my shoulders, not bothering putting my arms through the sleeves, and grabbed my books. I parked close, and made my way to the school.

Chewing and blowing bubbles, I scoped out the school kids. I don't mind people knowing that I'm into bad boys. But, there didn't seem to be any in sight. I passed these three guys who were talking about one of their sandwiches and pushing each other into the bushes, obviously in some group, just one wearing a brand on his jacket. It said "T-Bird" with a little bird flying in blue. I followed the boys to see if they knew anyone else.

All of a sudden, they stopped talking and walking altogether and they all called over at a guy who hit books out of a students' hand.

"Hey Nicky!"

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐀 | k. murdochWhere stories live. Discover now