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"French, I know what I'm doing," I sighed as I sat with Frenchy and Marty for lunch. Jan was skipping school with Rizzo for some reason. Frenchy did leave Rydell to pursue a career in beauty in La Coiffure beauty school, but she does constantly hang out with the Pink Ladies for lunches. Marty was reading a magazine as Frenchy fixed a cloth on her hair. I just assumed it was a style she was going for.

"Sure you do," Marty rolled her eyes, sassing me. I glared at her and continued to bite into my peach. It was underripe, tasting disgusting, but it was all the lunch I was going to have.

"I just don't want to see Rizzo yell at you," Frenchy said sadly.

"She threw a whiskey bottle at Kenickie's head when she thought that we were together." I looked at her incredulously. She seemed to shut up after that.

"Hey, I need a human mannequin for my tinting class homework-" Frenchy started, trying to change the subject.

"Nope." Marty said quickly, getting up and grabbing her stuff. I watched Marty leave as she mouthed me a "Good luck."

"I'll do it," I said, turning to Frenchy. What was the big deal about it?

"You would? Oh that's great!" French laughed. "It's practically essential to get your hair done by me!"

"Why?" I asked.

"It's a Pink Lady staple! I gave Rizzo a bob, but she claimed it was too choppy so she cut it short. I gave Marty a perm, and she still keeps it!" Frenchy blabbered. Marty probably kept it because 'perm' stands for 'permanent'.

"Then, I gave Jan bangs!" Frenchy finished with a big grin as I walked to a trash bin to throw my peach pit away.

"You gave her those?" I asked, looking back at her. So Frenchy's the one I have to strangle for those horrendous bangs?

"Of course! Don't they look great?" Frenchy looked at me for some compliments.

"They're divoon!" I feigned excitement. "Just don't cut my hair, please!"

"You make me sound like a bad hairstylist!" Franchise pouted jokingly. I smiled at her as she took my arm, but widened my eyes as we left the campus to her house.

There I sat, in the chair facing away from the mirror in her room. It's been months since I've been in this room. I could picture Rizzo climbing out of the window, Marty writing to all of her boyfriends, Jan eating Twinkies with her "desert wine" and Sandy crying over Danny. I could also picture myself lying on my bed, drunk. Crying over Kenickie. Over Leo. Over my whole fucking life.

"Ouch!" I cried as Frenchy pinned my hair back painfully.

"Shush!" Frenchy chided me. I made a face at her as she pulled out a hair dryer. She turned it on and started to blow dry certain areas with certain curls.

"And you're just giving me a new dark brown color, right? Close to my hair color?" I asked nervously. Frenchy nodded nervously. Either she was too enthralled with my hair or she was too nervous to tell me. I chose to believe the first scenario.

"Okay," Frenchy huffed. "It's done." She went into her bathroom to get a few more items.

I smiled at her, but nothing could prepare me for the horror before me. "Frenchy!"

"Is it that bad?" Frenchy asked from the bathroom.

"It's blonde! I'm blonde! Platinum blonde!" I cried. Frenchy ran into the room and stared at my luminous hair.

 Frenchy ran into the room and stared at my luminous hair

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