Chapter 6

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I pulled to the side of the road, realizing i didn’t know where exactly I was.

“Fucking shit.” I yelled, gripping the steering wheel trying not to hurt someone.

After my little fit, i huffed and sat back in the driver’s seat. Let’s look for signs. I thought, seeing the speed limit sign on the other side of the road.

I popped the car in drive and then drove for a couple of minutes before seeing a sign that said, “Pennsylvania”.

“Holy shit.” I breathed. I was a long way from New York. I pulled to the side of the road again and searched the compartments for a map or a GPS, or something, but didn't find anything. I rested my body against the seat and breathed in and out for a couple of minutes trying to pull my thoughts together. Okay, i thought. Just find a gas station a little further down the road and buy one.

I started driving again and drove for a good 10 minutes before i saw a gas station. “Finally.” I sighed in relief as i pulled in and parked next to a pump. I got out and locked the car before going in.

The door rang as i opened it. The store was small and deserted except for the clerk behind the desk who wasn't paying attention to anything but the television that sat in front of him, playing some sport, his feet were up on the counter as he laid back in his chair, sipping on a beer. I walked cautiously around the store looking for the maps when something caught my eye behind the desk.

“Excuse me? How much is that flip phone?” I pointed to the green case holding a little black flip phone. “30 bucks.” He didn't even take his eyes off the screen of the TV.

“Uh, okay?” I muttered, glancing behind the desk for a map. “Um, do you have any maps?”

He finally looks up at me and says, “yeah, for 20 bucks.” He chuckled at my surprised face.

“20 dollars? For a map?” I asked, shocked. I didn’t even know if i had 50 dollars on me.

He sat up straight and pointed at me with the neck of his beer bottle, “ Listen, as you could most likely tell, i don’t get many customers and i need to make up the money somehow. If you want there’s another store up the road but their prices are probably way higher than mine. So take it or leave it.” He shrugged and sat back in the chair again.

I huffed and crossed my arms, “Fine. I’ll take it.” I muttered. He nodded and rang up the two items and my gas.

“That’ll be $72.50.” He smirked.

“Jesus.” i muttered, pulling out the money. I had just enough to buy everything.

“$2.50 is you’re change.” He smirked evilly as he handed me the money back.

I nodded my head at the man and walked out the store, the plastic bag swinging slightly on my arm. The hot air swirled around me and suddenly the little hairs on my neck stood up.

I quickly whipped around and staring me in the face was a rabid dog, foam dripping from its mouth as it growled and barked at me.

“Hey, buddy.” My voice shook as i tried to slowly back away from the dog, towards the car. The dog followed.

“Its okay, i’m not here to hurt you.” I stated as calmly as i could. The dog wouldn’t let up. Glancing behind me, i was a few feet away from the car. I kept my eyes locked on the dog as i fumbled in my pocket for my keys. I quickly unlocked the doors. Hearing the chirp behind me i made a run for it, screaming as the dog ran towards me. I hopped in the car, quickly shutting the door behind me just in time as the dog smashed against the car door.

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