Chapter 12

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It’s been a few days since I was brought here and I was beginning to go insane inside this house. Even though it was a huge mansion with much to do, I often found myself bored out of my mind. 

“When can we leave?” I asked Derek who was laying next to me on the bed, reading a book. He turned the top of the page down and placed the book on the nightstand before turning to me. 

“Whenever you’re ready.” His reading glasses fell down the bridge of his nose when he looked at me. 

“I’ve been asking all week when we can leave and now you say “whenever I want”?” I asked, my temper beginning to rise. I’ve been stuck in this house all week because everyone kept saying I “wasn’t safe” but now all of a sudden, we can leave whenever I want. 

“Well, now it’s safe.” He replied, taking his glasses off and rolling to the side of the bed to put his glasses on top of his book. 

“It wasn’t safe yesterday. What suddenly makes it safe today?” I was lying on my side, looking at him. 

“Being that I killed the guy who might’ve been a threat to you.” He sat up and ran his hands through my hair. 

I sat up quickly, “Who the fuck was a threat to me?” I questioned him, panic about to set in until I realized the person is dead. 

“The gang leader that you were supposed to be sold to. When your father sold you to me instead of him, he wanted revenge and so he wanted to kill you, me, your father, your mother and your siblings.” He leaned towards me and rubbed my lower back. “But it’s taken care of.” He spoke softly and tried to comfort me but the weird thing was that I didn’t need comforting. I didn’t need anyone because no one could take away the pain. 

“Okay.” I stood up off the bed and walked towards the bathroom, the sudden urge to pee taking over my bladder. 

I walked into the bathroom, pulled down my pants and sat on the toilet. “You’re not upset?” He called from the bedroom. 

“Not one bit.” I called back. When I finished by business I wiped, then stood, flushing the toilet. 

“Okay? I guess?” He yelled. I shrugged even though he couldn’t see me and began washing my hands. I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom. Derek leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed. 

“Are you okay?” He stared at me through the mirror. 

“I’m perfectly fine.” 

“We never talked about the people you killed, April.” Concern laced his voice as he spoke softly. 

I looked up at him through the mirror, “There wasn’t anything to talk about. I killed them. There’s nothing more to be discussed.” I shut the faucet off and dried my hands on the hand towel. Derek pushed himself off the doorframe and stood in the doorway. 

I went to walk past him, but he used his body to block me. 

“Can you move?” I huffed in annoyance. 


“Why not?” My tone and stare turned deadly.

“Because, we have to talk about it. It’s not healthy to keep all that in.” He placed his hands on my arms and held me there. 

“No, and that’s final, now move.” He was really starting to get on my nerves. I didn’t want to talk about the fact that I killed multiple people. The events of that night still played over and over in my head. At night, nightmares ran around in my head, replaying the same moment the life drained from their cold eyes. 

Derek didn’t move an inch, and his face was now stone. 

Before I could register what was happening I was pressed against the closet door with my arms pinned next to my head and Derek’s body holding mine in place. 

“You don’t get to dismiss me.” He hissed lowly in my ear. 

I rolled my eyes and tried getting out of his grip but he was too strong, I wasn’t in the mood for his shit. “The fuck I don’t.” I hissed back, turning my head away from him.

He quickly let go of one of my arms and grabbed my chin, turning my face towards him. 

He was furious. “Don’t you dare roll your fucking eyes at me.” He growled. 

“You can’t tell me what to do!” I growled back. He was pissing me off more and more. When he got like this, I would be pissed my pants but now I have to show him that I’m not scared of him, even though I am. 

“Yes I can.” His blue eyes had a fiery flame behind them as he stared into my eyes. 

“Fuck you.” I hissed. He was angering me more right now than he ever did.  

“Fuck me? How about I fuck you?” This Derek was the one that I didn’t like. 

“Don’t you fucking touch me!” I yelled at him, pushing him was everything I had in me. “Let go of me, asshole!” I struggled until I was out of breath. 

“Are you done?” Anger still laced his voice but was a little calmer which was not a good sign. 

“No.” I huffed. My mouth said I wasn’t but my body gave up. 

“I just wanted to talk to you. I need to make sure you’re okay.” His voice became softer. I was relieved that his anger went away quickly because it normally never did. 

“I’m fine.” 

“No you’re not. I hear you screaming at night and I hear you crying when you think I’m sleeping. Baby, I know you’re in pain.” His grip loosened and his other hand that was holding my arm, came up and cupped my cheek. 

Knowing that I couldn’t deny it anymore I gave into the tears that were building up. “I killed them.” My voice broke. I looked up to his eyes and let the tears stream down my face. 

“All I keep seeing every time I close my eyes, is the color draining from them and the life disappearing from their eyes.” I begin crying a little harder. 

Pictures flashed through my mind of them lying on the floor, dead. Which caused me to start sobbing. Derek completely let me go and hugged me close to his chest, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer for more comfort. “It’s okay, baby.” He hushed me as I cried into the crook of his neck. 

His hands rubbed up and down my back as I cried my heart out, until there were no more tears left in me. 

We stayed in each other’s embrace for what seemed like hours. Reluctantly, I pulled away from him. He let me go slowly and kissed my forehead. 

“You know you can talk to me. I know I’m not the world's best boyfriend but I’m trying to be. You gotta help me though, April.” He spoke softly. 

I looked to the floor, “I know, I just thought I’d show you that I can handle it.” I almost whispered. I felt horrible but he was here for me. 

Derek’s hand lightly brought my chin up so I could look at him, “You don’t have to be strong for me, babe. You’re perfect as you are.” He leaned down and kissed me gently, like I was made of glass that he didn’t want to break. 

Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him closer, savoring the moment. Even though we were standing in the bathroom. 

At that moment I realized, he knew everything about me. How to make me feel better, how to piss me off and everything in between. I knew we would be together forever. 

Though, that dream only lasted so long. 

*Well, here's the 12th chapter! Sadly, my writers block is still here but I managed to get this little bit out for you. I hope you guys enjoyed!*

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