Chapter 10

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Laying on the bed in my room, I felt lonely. For the first time in a while I had to sleep alone. It was around 4 in the morning and I hadn't even closed my eyes. I shifted in the bed and turned towards the empty side.

I missed sleeping next to him and it hasn't even been a full day yet.

A soft knock on the door sounded through the room. I sat up and sighed before walking to the door. Who could be knocking on my door this early besides Derek?

I unlocked the door ready to open it when I froze. Suddenly the door swung open, smacking me in the face. I fell to the floor and tried crawling away.

"Derek!" I screamed. Three men in black suits walked through the door with large guns. They grabbed my legs and pulled me back, giving me rug burn all along my stomach, arms and legs. I screamed and kicked at them but one of them held their hand over my mouth and the last one pressed their gun into my upper back.

"Scream again and I'll blow your heart out of your chest." A deep grumble of a voice spoke into my ear. I nodded my head.

The man who had his hand cupped over my mouth placed some duct tape in place of his hand and the man who dragged me, tied up my arms and legs. The man holding a gun to my back, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

They started carrying me out the door when one of the men noticed that one of them were missing.

"Where's Donny?" The one who was carrying me asked the other guy. He shrugged his shoulders and they looked around.

"He'll meet us back at the house." The other man said. They continued walking when the man behind us was pulled into a hallway by a pair of arms. I heard punches being thrown and saw a man's arm. I decided to stay quiet because whoever was doing it was helping me.

I saw the figure stand and walk slowly towards us, and then when I figured out that it was Derek.

I shook my head no and tapped the guy with my foot. I started mumbling through the tape but he couldn't hear me.

"Shut up before I have to shoot you. Your father wants you in one piece." I man said. I licked the tape until it fell off one side of my mouth.

"There's a man behind us taking out your guys." I whispered to him, making sure Derek didn't hear me.

The guy whipped around and started shooting at Derek who hid behind a wall.

"Fuck!" I heard him yell. The man shot his gun as he ran off with me, outside the motel. He quickly threw me in the backseat and got in the drivers side.

"Why did you warn me?" He asked as he started the car and got out of there quickly.

"Because you just saved me from my other kidnapper." The guy, whose name I didn't know yet, whipped a few turns and made me slam into the back doors.

"Could you not make me crack open my head back here!?" I yelled at the man. He sighed angrily and dug in his pocket before throwing something into the backseat with me.

I quickly picked it up and realized it was a pocket knife. I opened it and quickly cut the ropes and when my hands were free I took the tape off, that was hanging on the side of my mouth.

"How do you know I won't kill you with this?" I pulled my seatbelt on and looked at the guy in the rear view mirror. His hair was black and his eyes were brown. He looked so average but yet just like me.

"Because, you won't kill a family member will you?" He smirked and kept his eyes on the road.

"Family member?"

"Nice to meet you, April. I'm your brother, Dean." He looked up at me through the mirror and smiled.

In shock, I stared out the window. Brother? I had a brother this whole time and no one thought to tell me. But how can he be my brother? He looks the same age as me.

"In case you're wondering, I am the same age as you. Congratulations, you have a twin." His grin twisted into an evil smirk and he laughed.

"Geez! The look on your face is hilarious!" He laughed as he drove.

I stared out the window wondering if this is all true. Could it be? But wouldn't I have known that I had a twin?

"We're here." He sang. I looked up and saw a beautiful house, it was tan and modern, big white pillars holding up the front of the house, and a stable right next to it. There were big trees all around, surrounding the house perfectly.

"Wow." I breathed out. If I had known my father was this rich, I would've found him years ago.

He smirked and parked the car in the driveway, right in front of the garage door.

He opened his door and got out before opening mine and telling me to get out. I tucked the knife in my front pocket and got out.

"Let's go." He started walking to the front door which I followed.

He opened the door and stood to the side to allow me to walk through first. I carefully walked through the door and was greeted by a mass of people standing in front of the stairwell.

"Hello, April." The man in the middle greeted. He smiled and his teeth were so white, whiter than a piece of paper, and his dark brown hair was slicked back neatly. His brown eyes were staring at me, looking directly into my soul.

"And who are you?" I asked slyly. They might have kidnapped me but they weren't going to see the fear I held inside of me.

"I'm your father, Matthew." He walked closer and held his hand out towards me. "Nice to finally meet you, my daughter." He smiled.

I reluctantly placed my hand in his and shook it before quickly pulling it away, placing my arms at my side.

"Well, I see you hold some animosity against me." He chuckled and put his hands together. "It's understood, given the circumstances." He started walking away and gestured for me to follow. I walked behind him, leaving enough space between us for me to run if needed.

"I'm not going to bite, you know." He chuckled dryly and turned his head slightly to look at me.

"Maybe you won't, but I will." I snapped back.

He chuckled again. He turned his head and continued walking to wherever he was taking me.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"To meet your new buyer, of course."

I stopped in my tracks, my blood running cold. "My new buyer?" I asked coldly.

He stopped outside a door and turned around to face me.

"Yes. We got a much better offer than the original one." He opened the door and revealed my "buyer."

"Meet your master."

Stunned, I looked at the man standing behind Matthew.


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