Chapter 8

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We drove for hours, not knowing where we were going. When Derek started falling asleep we would pull over and rest for 10 minutes and then he would continue driving. I offered multiple times to drive but he refused.

"Derek, you can barely keep your eyes open, let me drive." I demanded. He looked at me briefly and rolled his eyes before pulling over.

"How about we just rest here?" He asked as he shut off the car and undid his seat-belt.

I huffed, "fine, but it's gonna be for a while, now lay down."

He chuckled and laid across the seat and placed his head on my lap.

I ran my hands through his hair and listened to his breathing become heavier. When I knew he was asleep, I tried wiggling out from underneath his head but his arm wrapped around my legs, keeping me from moving.

"You're an amazing pillow, if only you'd stay still." He grumbled. He shifted until he sat up.

"I can't get comfortable." He frowned and rubbed his eyes.

"I'll drive us to a motel." I opened the car door, walked to the drivers side and opened the door. "Move over." I nudged him to the passengers side and slipped in, closing the door and adjusting the seat. I started the car and started driving until I saw a motel. I pulled in and told Derek to stay in the car as I got us a room, he fought but I ended up winning and scoring us a suite. I rushed back to the car and dragged Derek into the suite.

"Go lay down." I told him as I locked the door. I turned around and Derek was right there, I didn't have time to react before he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed.

"Derek!" I yelled in surprise. He chuckled and laid down behind me. I sat up and pushed him, when he winced I suddenly remembered his wound.

"I've got to clean your shoulder. It's going to get infected." He groaned but didn't move. I jumped off the bed, ran into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. I quickly ran back to the bed and jumped on it. Derek laughed as he sat up and took off his shirt slowly.

I started cleaning the wound and every time he winced I'd kiss his shoulder. I had to do it so much I was beginning to think he was over exaggerating the wincing just to get me to kiss his shoulder again.

"I have to pull the bullet out."

He nodded and braced himself.

I dug the tweezers into the wound and extracted the bullet as fast as I could without hurting him. He groaned and shook as I pulled it out. When I finally pulled it all the way out he groaned and sighed heavily.

"Fuck! That hurt like a bitch." He ran his hand through his hair and wiped the sweat from his forehead. I finished cleaning the wound and put some temporary stitches in and put some gauze over it. When I put everything away and walked back into the room, he was laying on his back with his eyes closed. I smiled and took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in my underwear.

I climbed into bed next to him and began drifting to sleep before he rolled over and dragged me close to him. He kissed up my neck and stopped at my ear. "You're too good to me." He whispered. "I don't deserve you."

I rolled over and kissed him softly. "You deserve every inch of me." His hand ran over my side and rested on my cheek. Without saying a word he moved closer and kissed me longer than the last time.

He pulled away slowly and ran his thumb over my lower lip. "I can't express what I feel for you, April." My eyes search his and all I see swarming in his eyes is love.

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