Chapter 1 (updated)

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Twilight Forest wolf

                             Chapter 1

                            Sky pov

hello there my name is Skylar, most people call me Sky but I'm a werewolf and I've been stuck as a wolf since my first shift three years ago,

I'm now four and I'm stuck as a wolf people killed my family when i shifted and i ran,

right now I'm just entering a place called la push,

I stick my nose in the air and sniff its getting late i better find shelter,
I'm only a pup i don't wanna be another animals snack i find a den that only small animals can fit in including me and fall asleep for the night

                            Sam POV

Were in our wolf forms running when Paul mind links and said that he smelled something weird in the territory that he doesn't recognized so we all run to his location,

were in a circle mind linking,
"You smell it don't you?"Paul said
We all stick our noses in the air
"Yes it is an odd smell, i wonder what it is"I thought

"You don't think its a vampire?" Seth said
"Don't be stupid,"Leah said
"Be nice," children Jake said
"It is odd," Embry said
"Now what?" Quil said
"let us follow the sent, and see where it leads" i said
they all nod me taking the lead then it stops out of no where,
where the hell did it go i thought we all look around,
"Well its gone, might as well head home"i said to them,
they all nod and we go home

                             Sky pov

i hear birds chirping, i slowly open my eyes i use my senses to check if anyone or anything is outside the den,
Seems to be in the clear,
I crawl out of the den on my belly then stand on all fours,
Do downward dog stretch, then shake my fur

'Now time to find some breakfast' i stick my nose in the air and 'sniff sniff'
Then i see a rabbit a little fast pace for the morning but i think I'll manage,
I put my front paws and arms in the dirt as my bottom is in the air wiggling,
Then darted at the rabbit, I jump over logs around trees,
then finally catch it i pick up the dead rabbit in my mouth and carry it off back to the den,
I trot i got myself some food finally,
"Who said i need any one, i stay on my own for three year,  i don't need any adults or anyone telling me what to do, i can manage by myself on my own,"
As I'm on my way back to my den a smell catches my nose,
"I wonder what that is?" i thought
I'm on my way back when i see a women with red hair,
"Who is that?" I thought
"Well, well, well looks like the forest wolf is real ," she said
"Forest wolf? what the heck is this woman going on about?" i set my dead rabbit down and get in defensive position,
I may be small but i know how to kill vampires and I'm stronger than i look,
she laughs and lunges at me i dodge it and jump off a tree getting a good chunk of her neck,
but she got a good swipe in my side but she took off,
"Bloody vampires," I thought

I pick up my rabbit and limp to my den and start eating my rabbit and start licking my side I've never been this hurt before i thought

                     third person pov

Sam and the others are in the kitchen of sam's house eating when that smell hits their noses again,
"Lets go," Sam said
"Do you smell that?" Jake asked
  "Blood..." they all say
And run faster they all see Victoria with a big gash in her neck,
"that looks like a dog bite,"  Jake said
they all agreed

"less talking more killing," Paul yelled in the mind link

they chased her but she got away, then they followed the smell and it stopped at the same place,
"Okay were watching this place because something is off if it keeps leading here," Jake said
"Agreed," Sam said

So they all waited and watched and stayed hidden until they heard rustling coming from under, what looked like a rock and a little wolf

head popped out, they were all surprised, "Are you guys seeing this?" Seth asked they all nodded"wait for it to get far enough so we can get a good look at it," Sam said they all agreed

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head popped out, they were all surprised,
"Are you guys seeing this?" Seth asked
they all nodded
"wait for it to get far enough so we can get a good look at it," Sam said they all agreed

                       Sky pov

Its lunch time i crawl out on my belly i poke my head out,
"looks like the coast is clear" i thought then get the rest of me out,
I start 'sniff, sniff,sniff '
"Well there certainly are a lot of different kinds of smells now," I thought
I limp to get some water and see fish i get in the water the blood mixes with the water it feels better,
I thought then i duck my head in the water and catch a big trout,
I start to make my way to the den then i hear a twig snap,
I look in the direction to see a pack of very big wolves,

I go to make a run for it but then i see a wolf the same color as me block me,
I drop the fish at his feet, pretty much saying here take it,
I go to run again but am blocked in every direction I'm so dead,

                         Third person pov

Sam and everyone follow her to the river she walk into the river and blood comes off of her,

"She's hurt" Paul said

they could hardly tell because of her black fur they all see and nod,
then she puts her head under the water and catches a trout,

"Dam" Embry said
she starts walking back from where she came from and Seth steps on a twig,

And it snaps they all yell in mind link "
"sorry," he said

she looks back and sees all of us and tries to make a run for it only to run right into Sam,

she looks at him and backs up and drops the fish at his feet they all chuckle in their mind link, she tries to make a run for it again only to be blocked by Paul and Jake

                              Sky pov

"what do i do? they wont let me leave, what do i do?"
"I'm panicking maybe if i stay completely still they will go away," I thought
then i feel myself being lifted by the scruff of my neck,
"h-hey thats not ok ,"i try to struggle but it was pointless

                            Sam's pov

After she realized that she couldn't escape us,
"now what?" Jake said in mind link
I walked up to her and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck she started to struggle,
but then gave up
"so were taking her to you're place" Paul asked
"what do you think?" i said with sarcasm,
"haha you look like a mother doing that," Seth said i just glared at him

                            Sky pov

As I'm swaying as the giant black wolf is carrying me like his pup i feel my eyes become heavy so sleepy and like that i fell asleep

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