Chapter 4

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                                                                               Sky pov

Sam and Emily put me in a separate room to sleep its late but i just can't sleep I'm human after so long but my family my pack are no more all these thought are going through my mind sigh and are all these people in the pack actually nice and not just going to try to use me like the people that attacked my pack sigh i uncovered myself got dressed and looked at the clock 2 AM i walked  to the window not a far jump i jumped to a tree and jumped down and walked into the forest near by is a burial site were my family and pack were buried  so i walked to there after a while of walking i finally made it there and its in a clearing with daisy's and flowers everywhere with rock and stones i buried them sigh kneeling at where my parents are hi mommy and daddy look I'm finally back to human sigh I've missed being able to talk too i said with a sad smile i sit down indian style sit there talking until i see the sun is coming up 

                                                      Emily pov

 I woke up and started my day getting dressed i went down stairs cleaned up made breakfast for everyone when they get here sam came downstairs and kissed me has she woke up yet he asked no i shook my head I'll go check on her i said he nodded just as i was going up the stairs i seen everyone enter the house ready to eat i opened the door to the spare bedroom to see the window open and Sky gone my eyes went wide i ran down stairs Sam she's gone i said his eyes go wide what go look i said and he stormed up stairs with Paul and Jake behind him

                                                        Sam pov

I stormed up the stairs with Paul and Jake behind me i open the spare bedroom door to see no Sky the window open and the curtains blowing in the wind from the window being open when do you think she left Paul asked a while ago her sent is faded i said i wonder why she left Jake said sigh then we hear a knock at the door to see Billy with Sky lose something he said with a smile i looked at Sky thank God i said and picked her up and i just noticed how light she is i handed her to Paul thank you Billy i said he nodded can i speak to you in private he said i nodded whats wrong billy do you know what she is he said a child werewolf i said not just that she's the forest wolf thats where i found here Billy said at the burial site of the white wolf pack but she's a black werewolf like me i said exactly he said you need too keep here safe he said i nodded i will he shook my hand and left i shut the door and looked over at her Paul set her down she went to sneak away ah i said and she looked at me with these puppy eyes why did you leave i asked um uh she looked down as she played with her fingers don't worry I'm not mad i said as i bent down to her level i couldn't sleep so i went to see my family i thought you said they are dead she nodded she grabbed my hand I'll show you so we all left and followed her through  the forest after about 20 min we came to a clearing with rocks and tombs and flowers blowing in the wind this is my pack and family she said as she let go of my hand wow your pack was huge Embry said she nodded with a sad smile then GROWL!! her stomach growled heheheh haha i guess she's hungry said Seth she took my hand and we walked back to the house when we walked in the house hey boys I've got muffins Emily said would you like one Sky she asked if I'm allowed she said of course she said then she grabbed one and started eating it then Jake took off saying something about Bella me and Emily were talking in the kitchen hows she doing emily asked better i think i said she smiled i was worried she said i know but everything is fine now i think i said we walked out and all the guys are gone and so is Sky i go out side to see Paul counting 9 10 ready or not here i come i see seth behind a tree shushing me but i don't see Sky anywhere he finds all the guys except Sky i can't even smell here i start to panic Ok Sky i give up Paul yelled then she dropped from the roof right next to me we all jumped what she said are eyes almost popped out of our heads i never thought of that Embry yelled then i told Sky to stay here with Emily the pack had to go check on Jake i felt something off

                                                         Sky pov

sam told me to stay here with emily so i did as i was told and talked to emily a lot i liked emily she reminded me of my aunt Jenny can i take a look at your wound she asked i nodded and lifted my shirt and she unwrapped it and took a look at it looks like it completely healed she said i nodded yeah that mean red head got me good i said who she said a vampire i said with a smile oh she said with a worried voice I'm sitting on the counter when i see some of the boys walk in and a girl with brown hair and pale skin i sniff pew she stinks like blood suckers i whispered Jared and Embry and Seth started to chuckle then sam came in and Jake and Paul Sam started kissing Emily all over the face then Paul said to the girl sorry i looked at sam confused thats Bella he said oh i said sniff sniff i smell something i thought it smells like that vampire i thought it made me angry because she hurt me and got away i ran out the door and shifted and followed the smell 

                                                     Third person pov

all the boys were sitting there talking after Bella and Jake left Sky was acting strange she was sniffing the air like she smelt something then they all heard her heart rate start to rise the all looked at her she ran out the door and shifted and took off running they all shifted and ran after her and seen what set her off it was the red head Sky had her pinned and was about to attack her but she was thrown and the vampire ran Sky got back up and ran after her they were all surprised that she could smell her from so far away and is so relentless Sam stopped her from pouncing again so she wouldn't get hurt he grabbed her by the scruff of her neck with his teeth she struggled for a while until he got back to the house with her the others go back in human for sam set her down and she growled at him all there eyes got wide he growled back but the Alpha status didn't seem to affect her she just kept glaring at him do you think its because she doesn't belong to our pack yet Jake asked then it hit sam thats why she's been acting at her own free will disobeying him she's on her own she doesn't belong to a pack they need to fix this sam thought Paul walked over to her she growled at him and took off Sam told them to go inside he'll  find her

                                                 Sky pov

I was so angry i could have finished it ended that vampire that injured me i hated vampires with a passion i ran through the forest and got to my pack's grave sit it was dark out and i laid at my mommy and daddy's grave laying down and looking up at them letting out a small whimper i wish i belonged some where i miss you all and it's my fault you're all not here its all my fault because of what i am i thought as i whined looking up at the graves 

                                         Sam pov

I followed her sent she was at the grave site of her pack and family laying in front of her mom and dad's grave whining and looking up at them with her eyes not moving her head from the ground i shift back into human and sit next to her hey sky she looked at me they laid her head back down looking at the stones you really miss them huh she just whimpered i petted her head how about we make a deal you try not to lose your temper and I'll help you control your shifts she huffs yeah i thought that was a pretty lousy deal too I'll give you some more of Emily's muffins her head shot up and looked at me i chuckled i thought that would get your attention i told her how to change back and she did and i wrapped her in a blanket and pick her up bridal style and walk home on the way back she fell asleep i walk in the door to see everyone look at me she's fine Emily could you yeah she said taking her sleeping form from me and going upstairs so what do you guys think about letting her join our pack i said 

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