Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

Sky pov

the big black wolf sets me down yet again they all change back into humans man i wish i knew how to do that as i watched the one that was black wolf was now a tall man i slowly start to back up hey its ok he said my name is sam he said do you know how to change back he asked i shook my head really i heard on of them say i put my ears back and let out a growl he put his hands up sorry sorry i looked at sam with hopeful eyes okay now listen closely he said your gonna imagine yourself in your human for what do you look like your hair your skin tone your hight he said i closed my eyes and felt my self begin to change once I'm done changing i look at the back of my hand and the front of my hand in confusion then look at them and they are all shocked y-you're just a kid one of them say i looked at sam and he covers me with a blanket i wrap it around me whats your name sam asked S-sky i said in a dry raspy voice sam picked me up and walked toward the house

Sam's pov

I instruct her how to turn back into human how long was she a wolf for if she doesn't even know how to turn back and why is her wolf a pup this is weird then i get one of my answers she is but a child i thought i got a blanket and covered her with it she looked at her back and and front of her hand confused and looked at me i picked her up and walked towards the house i could feel the blood seeping through the blanket i called emily to get some cloths she took her from me and walked up the stairs so whats gonna happen now have you ever heard of a child were wolf Jake asked yeah what now Paul said first were gonna ask her where her pack is and why she's here i said then we'll move from there i said they all nodded

Sky pov

Emily helped me take a shower and get cleaned up and changed into grey ripped jean shorts black converse and a black tee shirt and brushed my hair so my eyes don't freak you out i asked of course not sweetie why would they she said because they are different colors i said pointing at them she smiled at me i think they are beautiful she said i smiled at her t-thank you i said looking down i lifted my shirt to see I'm still bleeding she said lets go down to the kitchen and patch that up i nodded and followed her down the stairs into the kitchen where everyone was eating she set me on the counter she takes out rubbing Alcohol and gauze and wraps and pours the rubbing Alcohol on the gauze and lifts my shirt and and dabs my gash all the guys winced i just sat there not showing pain bitting my lip then after she was done she wrapped it around my stomach then set me down would you like a muffin she said putting my hands behind my back if I'm allowed i whispered she said of course stay strong Sky i thought then sam asked where is you're pack I'm not telling a bunch of strangers i said quietly they all chuckled she's got a point there one of them said ok we'll go around in exchange you tell us sam said we got Jared,Quil,Seth sam pointed then over there we got Jake,Leah,Paul and Embry hi i said now can you tell us what happened i looked at them with sad eyes its was so long ago i said just try your best to remember Paul said i nodded they came in the night i said there was shouting they couldn't find what they were looking for i loved my family and my pack i said they all looked at me sad they were after me my mommy told me to run i heard my family scream which caused me to change and I've been stuck like that ever since always moving so they're Jared asked i nodded gone i went back a few weeks after and found them i said as i nibbled on the muffin emily gave me

Pauls pov

how could someone do something so cruel to a child take away her family her pack at such a small age i was furious why am i so mad about this i thought

Sam pov

she's staying with me and emily she's gonna be part of our pack i thought Sky would you like to stay here i asked her her eyes looked into mine I've never seen eyes like hers before a-am i in trouble she said to me no not at all i said just that you have know where to go i said she nodded thank you said said looking up at me with them puppy dog eyes 

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