Chapter 7

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                                                                    Sky pov


Sky  me and Daddy love you no matter what but you remember what we told you to do if something bad happens remember i remember mommy but i wanna be with you and daddy and my brother and sister i know sweetie but sometimes things just don't work the way we want i love you so so much i love you too mommy mommy is holding me in my room thats covered in blue dots then the scene changes it gets dark I hear loud banging on the door open up we know your in there! a dark voice said we just want the kid! mommy runs up the stairs sweetie its time you need to run but mommy i love you very much run! then mommy gets shot mommy!! the kid grab her! just as he was about to grab me with his bloodied hand 

                                                             End Nightmare

I shot up covered in sweat breathing heavily thats it no more sleeping Sky sigh i can't do it i thought i can't keep reliving it i looked at the clock 230AM i got up and got dressed brushed my hair and teeth i open the window and jump out onto a tree branch i walk through the forest taking in all the sounds and smells i don't like reliving that day it scares me and as I'm thinking i bump into someone i look up and see Paul and Quil Sky what are you doing in the woods at this hour umm uh going...for a walk i said with a smile well i don't think you should go for a walk Quil said with air quotes at this hour umm uh Paul sighed then picked me up were done with patrol any way he said and started walking to the house we entered the house to see it completely dark your lucky sam isn't awake he would be mad that you left sorry umm i couldn't sleep i said well he said try again I'm tired well don't stop going to bed on my account i said he smiled oh i don't intend to he said taking his shoes off and mine and picked me up and took me over to the couch and laid down not again i thought i looked up to see him asleep I'm having a severe case of Deja vu i thought i looked at the clock its almost 8 i slipped out of his grip and put my shoes on and went out side I climbed on the roof and watched as the sun rose i was hugging my knees 

                                                                                   Sam pov

I see that Emily is gone and up already i got up showered and got dressed I walk down stairs to see most of the pack at the table see Paul is still sleeping on the couch Quil came in hey sam did Paul tell you tell me what i said as i sat down we were on our way back from patrol and bumped into Sky Quil said what! i said yeah she was just wondering around seemed lost in thought where is she anyway maybe still sleeping Jared said we looked at each other i storm up the stairs and into the spare bed room and she's gone the window is open sigh i thought you said you guys found her i said we did and Paul brought her back he did Quil said i stormed down the stairs to see Paul just waking up where is she Paul i said i don't know she was laying with me when i went to sleep he said I'm getting frustrated i can't find her i walked out the housed 

                                                             Sky pov

after i watched the sun come up and hear the door swung open i look down to see Sam and the others storm out sigh i rub my eyes I'm so tired yawn i jump off the roof to see them turn around Sky! where have you been Sam asks me i pointed to the roof i was watching the sun come up i said they all looked at me confused what i said confused sigh your going to give me a heart attack Sam said sorry i said come on he said and picked me up and we went inside and sat me in a chair in the kitchen Paul hands me an apple i smile at him and take it nibbling on it this feels nice i thought i haven't been around people like this since sigh no Sky no thinking about that memory and dream i look up too see that everyone is looking at me funny what is there something on my face i asked no just you look like your in deep thought no i said as i smiled ok is everyone ready Sam said everyone nodded ready for what i asked confused were having a gathering tonight to celebrate you joining our pack really i asked they all nodded Sam picked me up and we left 

                                               Sam pov

I picked her up she is still super light i look at her and see bags under her eyes she hasn't been sleeping i can't wait till tonight then we'll be able to mind link with her and she'll be safe with us i thought as we made our way to Billy's house to celebrate 

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