Chapter Three

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Today was Thursday, one of my busiest days in school. Our first class was English, and after that, we decided to treat ourselves to chips and Oreo ice cream in the cafeteria. Muntaz, Zara, and I were about to head back to our department when three guys approached us. They introduced themselves, but I only caught one name, Malik. He seemed uneasy and as if he were doing us a favor by talking to us. I decided I wasn't interested in whatever they had to say, especially considering some guys' past disrespectful behavior.

Muntaz and Zara were already deeply engaged in conversation with two of the guys, leaving the third guy, who thankfully kept to himself.

The weather was cloudy, and I was enjoying the cool breeze on my face, the scent of water mixing with sand. It was "weather for two," I thought and smiled to myself. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew my veil off and, of all things, it landed on Malik's face. He held onto it and had the audacity to smirk, clearly thinking he had pulled off a slick move.

My patience was tested, and I had the urge to give him a piece of my mind. But I restrained myself, reminding me that I'm not exactly strong like a superhero. I quickly pulled my veil back, covering my long, scattered hair.

"Ma sha Allah," he muttered as I briskly walked away, leaving Zara and Muntaz behind, shouting "Karina" and "Shahrukh Khan."

As I rushed to my next class, I realized it was Ya Afaan's lecture. I'd completely forgotten that he's not only a world-class businessman but also a doctor and a visiting lecturer at our school. I often wondered how he managed his multiple roles.

With some hesitation and contemplation, I decided to enter the class. "Assalamu Alaikum," I greeted as I stepped inside, as was customary in our Islamic school.

"Wa'alaikum salam, habitual latecomer," he replied with a knowing tone, as if I were a serial class-skipper. The urge to roll my eyes was strong, but I resisted it.

"And why are you late, Miss?" he inquired, fixing me with a stern look.

"I was at the mosque, ya... sir." I quickly corrected myself.

He glanced at his gold Hublot watch, checking the time. "It's four thirty-eight right now. Can you please step out and learn to be punctual? Get out," he barked, pointing at the door.

Turning on my heels, I couldn't help but mumble, "Wicked thing," and rolled my eyes. After leaving the class, I found a spot by the staircase, pulled out my phone, and called Zara through FaceTime. Muntaz and Zara's faces appeared on the screen.

"Where are you guys? Your brother just embarrassed the hell out of me."

They both burst into laughter, and a chorus of "we told you so" filled the air.

I sighed, "I did nothing wrong. Your brother's just a jerk. You know your brother, and you also know Khadija Afrah. He's going to pay for this," I declared with a mischievous grin and dropped the call.

Just the two of us (EDITING)✔️Where stories live. Discover now